Chapter 18: Sakura Blossoms!

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Sakura stared at the panting Lee who was coughing. "Lee what's wrong!?" Blood trickled down from Lee's ear. He held onto his ear. "Oh I forgot to mention this little gadget I wear. You might be able to dodge my blows but you can't get away from it."

What trick is up his sleeve now! Sakura thought in worry.

"I don't need to strike you with my hand. I just need to hit you with my sound." "Sound?" Lee asked in pain. "What makes it possible for the ear to hear things? Sound really?" The sound ninja said.

"Vibrations" Sakura answered. "Give the little lady a prize. Yes the vibration of molecules in the air creates a sound wave." The sound ninja said as he continued with his lecture about how you can hear things.

"Feeling dizzy? Nauseous? You shouldn't even try standing up." "That's right buddy. None of that Taijutsu stuff will help. I mean it's not your not good at it. What's the point if it's not going to work? Compared to our jutsu that stuff is just yesterdays news." The sound ninja chuckled. "Face it little man compared to me your just a weakling."

"Remember this jutsu is to use as a last resort and only to be used to protect someone important to you." "Right Gai-sensei! Only to protect someone precious to me!" "You have done real well Lee, I'll never get over it how fast you were able to master it, you like moptop! I'm proud of you Lee" Lee grinned at his sensei.

"Now than little girl! It's your turn!" Dosu charged towards Sakura. She quickly pulled out a kunai putting it in front of her in a stance. Lee quickly ran in front of her. "Lee! No!" "Leaf Hurricane!" Dosu blocked Lee's attack without even breaking a sweat. Dosu chuckled.

"It's pretty impressive you can even move at all!" The sound ninja threw a punch at Lee, he dodged it quickly. Dosu pulls back going to punch Lee again who deflects it. A ringing noise came out from Dosu's arm. "Do you hear that?"

"Lee no!" Sakura shouted. "The sound waves I can create from my chakra! Focusing all its energy on a target I desire." Lee screamed. "STOP IT!" Sakura shouted. It was too much for Lee to handle he fell on the ground. "Alright little man, time to end it." Sakura threw her kunai. "That's what you think!" Dosu blocked it.

"I almost forgot about you."

"These guys are scary! I vote we get out of here!" Choji whispered yelled. "Sasuke Naruto and Naomi are out of it. Lee isn't looking to good either. It's all up to Sakura now. Well what do you want to do Ino?" Shikamaru said. "Why ask me, huh?" "Well if we don't do something quick she's toast! Are you cool with that?" Ino gasped. "You and her. You guys were friends once, right."

Ino's face scrunched up.

"Ino?" "What is it Sakura? Why do you look so down?" "Its just....I heard that you." "Hey what is it?" Sakura looked towards Ino. "Well its just...Is it true what I heard? Do you like Sasuke too?" Ino gasped in surprise. The wind blew around them, nothing was heard besides the rustling of the leaves. "So I guess that means were rivals from now on." With that, Sakura got up walking away from Ino.

Get a grip Ino! That's all ancient history! She reassured herself. "Well? Ino!" Shikamaru exclaimed grasping her attention. "So like what do you want to do?" "Why do you keep asking me that!? What am I suppose to do! You want me to go out there and get myself killed!?" She snapped at him.

I mean thats all that would happen! I would just be in the same position she is! What good would that do anybody!? Ino's legs were trembling.

"Let see you dodge these!" Sakura shouted throwing shurkien at them. Zaku pushed all the shurkien straight back at Sakura with wind. Sakura dodged them.

The girl ninja grabbed Sakura by her hair. "My my what soft and shiny hair. If you spent a little less time shampooing and more training you might not be in this fix!" She said pulling Sakura's hair.

"Hey Zaku! I know what would be fun! Let's let miss beauty queen watch while you finish off that Sasuke guy." "Sounds like fun to me."

You stay away from him! Sakura yelled in her head. "Don't even!" The sound girl said pulling Sakura's hair even harder. Sakura grunted in pain. "Sakura." Lee managed to say.

Tears fell from Sakura's eyes. Wait to go Sakura! You let everyone down again! What good are you? Even now while the others really need me I cave! How many times do they save me? You think maybe, just this once when its life or death you think maybe I could come through!

Sakura clutched the dirt. "Okay let's do this!" Zaku said as he walked towards Sasuke. That's it! This is where it ends! For Sasuke! Naruto! Naomi! Sakura thought.

She pulled out a kunai. "Come on that won't work on me. Its pointless!" Sakura turned towards her, smirking. "Its not meant for you!" "*gasp* What the-"

The kunai went straight up towards her pink cherry blossom hair. Strands fell down to the ground. Sakura cut her hair with her kunai. Her headband fell to the ground.

I always considered myself to be a ninja. I claim I'm madly in love with Sasuke. I'm always lecturing Naruto, acting like I know so much more. And Naomi, I always pick fights with her thinking she's the weakest person on our squad. But its all empty words. Because their always in the lead, while I watch them from the background. Why is that?

Thinking back to the Land Of Waves.

Stay behind me! Sakura yelled to Tazuna. Naomi appeared in front of her. "Don't worry Sakura I got you covered!"

"Stop right there!" "Shadow clone justu!" A bunch of Naomi's and Naruto' appeared everywhere.

"Here we go!" they all shouted. They all lunged at him. Zabuza deflected all the attacks. Naomi who was hugging the backpack grabbed the weapon and threw it to Sasuke. "Sasuke, catch!" Naomi shouted. "Demon wind shuriken, windmill of shadows!" Sasuke shouted. Sakura watch in amazement. The shurkien actually turned into Naruto. "Take this!" Naruto said as he threw a kunai at him.

No matter what those three they were always there, protecting me. And Lee you did more than say you liked me, you proved it!

"Sakura, I already told you. I will protect you until I die. "

Were not even teammates yet you still put your life on the line for me! All this time you all have been teaching me something!

"Hey Sakura-chan!" "Sakura!" "Haruno!" "Tch." Its about time I learn the lesson! Okay no more caving! Now its my turn to take the lead and for all of you to watch me from the background!

"Sakura, be careful." Lee murmured.

Sakura started doing hand signs. Zaku smirked. I know those hand signs. The sound girl nudged Sakura hard to the ground. 'Sakura' turned into a log. "A substitution jutsu!" Sakura ran at Zaku throwing kunais. "Thanks for the presents, I'll return it now!" Sakura did hand signs again. "Again with the signs!?" He sent the kunais back at Sakura who used the substitution jutsu again.

He looked up again to see Sakura coming at him. "You really are going to do the same thing again!? I got news for you I'm not falling for this again!" Zaku threw kunais at Sakura who crossed her arms over her chest.

Zaku looked around. "So where you coming from now?" He looked back up, his eyes widen. This time it's really her! She tackled him to the ground biting his arm.

Zaku punched her repeatedly "What are you crazy or something!? Get off of me!"

Ino stared at Sakura in shock. Sakura.

"Hey aren't you they're always teasing because you have such a big forehead?" "Who are you?" Sakura asked in between tears. "Who, me? That's easy I'm Ino Yamanaka. Who are you?" The young pink hair girl mumbled.

"What Hello~ I can't hear you!" "My name is Sakura!" She shouted. "Thats better." Ino touched Sakura's forehead.

"So this is the famous forehead? Woah! It is kind of big! So thats why you hide it with your bangs? Thats dumb it makes it even worse! Makes you look like a sheep dog!" Sakura tried to stop crying but more tears fell down. "So your Sakura?" "Uh huh." Ino started to walk away. "Hey you know what. I have something special for you. Come back here tomorrow, okay?"

~Next Day~

"There! What an improvement! You look a lot better! You can keep the ribbon." "Oh thanks...but-" "But what?" "My forehead." "Oh come on! I'm telling you the more you try and hide it the more you make a big deal out of it! Your face isn't that bad either! Its actually a pretty good face! You just need more confidence!"

"Hi Ino! Whose this?" "Who's she?" "This is Sakura. Go on don't you want to say hello?" Sakura hid behind Ino's back. "Uh hi."
"hey everyone! I've got a big secret! You'll never guess who I like! Not in a million years!" Sakura shouted. "How about you just tell us?" "Yeah just please don't say its Sasuke!" "Huh? How did you know?" "Take a number! Sasuke is only the most popular guy ever thats all!" "He is? Oh....I guess that means I have a lot of competition."

"Woah! What a change Sakura sure came out of her shell!" A girl said to Ino. "Sometimes I wish she would crawl back in!"

"Hey guess what I just found out! Sasuke likes girls with long hair!" Sakura said thinking back to what she heard eariler.

Sasuke laughed next to Naomi. "I don't get why you don't like your hair. It's pretty and has a unique color to it." "I just don't okay." Naomi said as she pulled a strand of her hair. Sasuke grabbed a lock. "Well I like it." He scooted closer to her. "Plus I like girls with long hair." With that he got up and left. Naomi sat there confused.

Sakura who listened from behind the tree, made a mental note.
"So its true? You like Sasuke too, I guess we're rivals from now on!"

"Well well! I see someone grown their hair out long!" "Looks like I'm not the only one!" "If you think being on the same team as him is going to make him like you, you've got it wrong!" "Face it Ino! I'm going to win!" "Oh? You think so? Sakura I will never let you beat with no matter how hard you try!"

~FlashBack Over~
Tears brimmed in Ino's eyes. Sakura!

"I'm going to win!" Sakura shouted in her head. Zaku finally was able to get Sakura off of him, he threw her to the ground. "Now! Your going to pay!"

"Oh man this is bad!" Choji said. "Well Ino?"

Sakura looked up. Its all on me now! There's no one else! Sakura's eyes widen. There stood in front of here stood team 10.

"Ino?" "Surprised? I swore I would never let you show me up! Didn't I?"
Sasuke stood up, purple chakra surronding him. "Sasuke! Your awake!" Tears formed in Sakura's eyes. What's going on with him?

"Sakura? Who did this too you?" Sakura gasped in horror. "Who was it!?" "S-sasuke what's happening to you?" Sasuke stared at his hand. "Don't worry I'm alright its just the power flowing through me. In fact I've never felt better! He gave me this gift! He made me understand who I am! I am an avenger, to follow my path I must gain power. At any price even if I must consume evil." Sakura just stared at him, she didn't know what to say.

"Sakura, tell me which one of these people did this to you?" Zaku chuckled. "That would be me!" Sasuke turned towards him.

"Ino hurry up and get out of that body! Get back over here! You don't want to be apart of it! You too Choji! Both of yo hurry!" Shikamaru yelled. "I'm coming!" Choji yelled.

Ino put her fingers together. "Release!"

The purple chakra spiraled around Sasuke. "What's going on!?" Dosu yelled. "Hey Dosu what's wrong, your not getting cold feet are ya?" "No Zaku! You don't understand!" A huge gust of wind went straight towards at the leaf genin.

"Well if you lookey here, I blew them all away." "Not quite" Sasuke said. Sasuke pushed him straight into the ground. "Zaku!" Sasuke attacked Zaku. The sound ninja teammates called out for him. Sasuke had a hold of his arms. "You see pretty attached to these arms of yours. Well not for long." Sasuke smirked.

Sakura watched in horror. Sasuke was breaking the guy's two arms. Naomi groaned sitting up. Sakura looked wide eyed at Naomi. "S-sakura." Naomi gasped. "Your hair." The red head girl looked around looking at the ninjas on the ground. "Sakura! What's going on!" Tears started to build up in Sakura. "Sakura talk to me! What's going on! Your crying! Please, Sakura talk to me. Your my friend, I want to help you." "N-Naomi! Please. Sasuke stop him!" Naomi looked towards Sasuke. "Please Naomi! Stop him now!" Naomi got up slowly. She winced in pain.

Naomi slowly walked towards Sasuke. "Naomi please!" Sakura begged.

"Oi! Uchiha! What in the hell do you think your doing!" Sasuke didn't look back at her, he continued to walked towards the frighten sound ninja. Naomi ran towards him,putting her hand on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, not even noticing his curse mark. "Stop it! I don't care what happened when I was knocked out! Just stop it Sasuke! Knock! it! off!" She yelled at him

Slowly Sasuke's curse mark started to fade away. "Your strong Sasuke, too strong. We can't hope to defeat you the way you are, now. We'll strike a deal. We'll give you the scroll, if you let us go." With that the sound ninja got up and grabbed his comrades. "It seems we underestimated you. But at least we found out what we needed to know. But if we are paired up to combat, we are not going to go easy!" He started walking away.

"Hey! Who is this Orochimaru! What's he done to Sasuke! Why Sasuke!" Sakura yelled. "We don't know. All we were told was to target Sasuke." The ninja started mumbling to himself. Finally retreating off into the forest.

"Oi what! What happened while I was knocked out! I wanna know!" Naomi whined but they all ignored her. "Hmp how rude."

"Hey are you guys okay!" Choji asked. "Ino take care of Lee we'll take the kid!" Shikamaru exclaimed.

The two boys from team 10 stared down at the oldest Uzumaki who was knocked out. "Don't worry Sakura.....I'll protect you." He mumbled to himself.

"Someone ought to kick him and wake him. This is embarssing" "Can I kick him?" Choji asked.

Sakura looked at Sasuke in worry. He stared at his trembling hand. "What exactly am I!?" He whispered to himself.

Naruto screamed. "Everyone hide quick! Get down! That ninja! Where can she be!?" "Nii-chan she's not here."

"Naruto...?" Sakura question. Ino narrowed her eyes at Naruto. About time that lazy fool woke up.

Choji poked Naruto in the head. "You really are one of a kind. What I mean the kind that gets on my nerves." Shikamaru said.

Naruto looked around until his eyes locked on Sakura's hair. "OH! NO! SAKURA!" Naruto ran towards his three teammates. "What?" "SOMETHING SERIOUS HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!" "Yeah to tell the truth Sakura I'm curious what happen to your hair, dattebane. I mean I just woke up, ya know." Naomi said.

"Oh thats all? I just wanted to change my look. I like it long like Naomi's but when I'm out in the wildneress it gets in my way to much." "She's got a point! I think I should cut mine too!" "NO! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" "What do you mean, its my hair Naruto." Naruto hugged Naomi. "Don't you dare cut it!" "Why!?" "Because I said so!" "But-" "No 'Buts'! I'm your older brother! Listen to me!" "Naruto!" Naomi groaned. "He has a point Naomi, I don't think you should cut it." Sasuke mumbled. "Aww man you too!"

Shikamaru and Choji walked up behind them. "What are they doing here dattebane/dattebayo?" Shikamaru scoffed. "Explaining things to you two is such a drag!" "Everyone just came by to help." Sakura said.

"Hey there bushy brow!" Naruto yelled. Sakura punched Naruto. "Don't say anything bad about Lee!" Naruto got up a few seconds later. He grabbed Naomi by the shoudlers shaking her.







"WHAT DO YOU MEA-" Sakura punched both of them. "You two are so loud even after you've been knocked out! Just shut up!" Sakura yelled. They hugged each other. "Is it just me or does Sakura, seem scarier?" Naomi whispered. Naruto nodded.

"Lee thank you! Because of you I was able to stand up for myself! And I've become a little stronger!" Sakura said. "Thank you Sakura! I guess my efforts alone were just not good enough!" Lee's face fell as he looked at Sasuke. "So Sasuke it seems you are just as good as your reputation. Just what you would expect from the Uchiha clan. You must have been pretty strong to chase those guys away! Not like me I was beaten to a plup."

What does he mean beaten to a plup? Were those guys really that strong? Sasuke thought.
"Sakura the lotus of the leaf blooms twice. Once you see me again I promise I will be even stonger." Sakura smiled at him. "Hey Sakura! Over here I want to fix your hair!" She looked at Ino in shock before a huge smile appeared."Yeah I'd like that!"

Author's Note: Alright~ New chapter! :D

The Tale Of The Uzumaki TwinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora