Chapter 24: Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

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    3rd p.o.v.

Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

"Woah this stuff Hinata gave me works fast!" Naruto shouted. "Hey want some Naomi?" He asked putting it out to her, she nodded applying to her cut on her arm. "Wow it does!" "I told you dattebayo!" They watched as the cuts on their arms slowly started to disappear.

Only your wounds heal that fast Naruto,'s not that ointment it's the power of the nine tailed fox which never stops surprising me. Kakashi thought watching his two students.

"Alright we will now pick the names for the next match." Hayate announced, making everyone avert their attention to the screen.

Hinata Hyuga Vs Neji Hyuga

Hinata's eyes widen as she gasp, her body trembling. She slowly made her way down to the arena trying her best not to fall. Neji nii........She thought as she stood across from him. Neji scoffed at Hinata's trembling form.

"I never thought you and I would have to face each other, Hinata." "Nor I brother." Hinata said.

"What she call him! Brother!?" Sakura exclaimed. "Brother!? Those two are brother and sister!?" Naruto said staring down at them. "No way! Hinata has a sister! Not a brother!" Naomi stated, her eyes filed with shock staring at them.

"They're both descendants from the Hyuga clan. One of the most ancient and honorable families of the Hidden Leaf Village. Not actually brother and sister." Kakashi explained.

"Okay but they're related somehow!" Sakura said.

"Yes in the way of branch of the great tree is related to its trunk. Technically their more cousins."

Naomi and Naruto narrowed their eyes. "The....trunk.....of.....a tree?" "Yes! Hinata's family belongs to main household! Directly descended from the head of the clan! While Neji's family is just a side branch of the clan." Lee explained to them.

"But, still! They're family and they have to fight each other, I feel for them. Must be hard." Sakura said. "Yes, but...." Lee started. "But what?" "It may not be as hard as it seems. I have heard for many generations now that they're has been some bad blood from the families."

"Oh why's that?" The twin asked. "I have never known the specifics. But, you know about the great bloodline traits of the Uchiha and Hyuga, special techniques and abilities, unique to the family. The first generation of the Hyuga clan made all sorts of rules and decrees that they were the main branch of the family. It seems some branches of the family broke, because of these rules. Anyway it is said because of that, there has been friction between the branches of the clan." Lee explained further. "'s like...this match is a family feud!" Sakura said putting two and two together.
"Look they're about to start." Kakashi stated grimliy. Hayate looked at the two young Hyugas. "Alright, you may begin when you are ready."
Hinata's eyes immedidantly dropped to the ground. Neji stared at her in annoyance. "Before we start this, here's a bit word of advice. Hinata, listen to me," He said in a stern voice causing the shy Hyuga to look up.

"Withdraw now! You know you were never meant to be a ninja. Your to kind and gentle, you seek harmony. You always seem to want to avoid conflict. You allow yourself to be easily swayed by others. Admit it, you have no confidence, you feel inferior to everyone else here! It would have been simplier for you to stay a genin, but to register for the chunin you need a team of three or four people. You never wanted to take part in these exams, but Kiba and Shino did! You would hate to let your teammate down!" Neji stated bluntly.
"N-No that's not true! Your wrong! Y-You wrong! I-I wanted to s-see if I-I could change!" Hinata said looking away from Neji's burning glare.
Naomi gripped the steel bar, tightly. Damn it....I'm going to snap at this guy sooner or later....He's worse than duckbutt! She thought to herself.

Kurenai stared at her student. Hinata has struggled to become what she wanted to be..... Kurenai thought.

"Hinata you are the pampered offspring of the Hyuga's Main Branch," "W-What...?" "People can't change, no matter how hard they try!" Neji stated, making Hinata gasp. "They can't run away from their true nature. A failure will always be a failure."

Naomi and Naruto's heads snapped up as they narrowed their eyes. 'A failure will always be a failure' rang through their heads.
Listen to this guy! He's unbelievable! Naruto thought to himself.

Neji stared at her in hatred as he continued. "People are judged on their true nature, it's the way of the world. That is why we have an elite and why they are outcast. We change our physical appearance and improve our skills with training and studying, but ultimately we are judged by what we cannot change. What can't be changed must be endured. We are who we are for a reason, Hinata and we must live with it. Just as I have to ive with the fact that you were born into the main branch of our clan while I'm from a lesser branch. I understand these things because I can see the world clearly with my Bykugan." Neji smirked at her.
"Despite your brave words. What your really thinking is that you'd like to run. Run as far away from here as you can." "N-No! You're wrong about me!" Hinata defended herself.

"Byakugan....?" Sakura questioned looking along with her two teammates at Kakashi. "It's the kekkai genkai or bloodline trait of the Hyuga Clan. A visual jutsu, like Sasuke's Sharingan. In fact it's said that the Sharingan was deprived of the Hyugas' Byakugan long ago. But for pure power on insight the Byakugan is the stronger of the two." Kakashi explained.

Neji concentrated as he snapped his eyes opened. "Byakugan!" Hinata trembled watching him. Neji scoffed at her. "My eyes cannot be deceived. Just one moment ago in the slightest of moment your gaze drifted towards the upper left corner of the room. I saw at that moment, you were thinking of your past. Your bitter past. Then almost immediately after your gaze drifted towards the lower right, it was mere flicker of the eyes, but to me it meant all of your physical and mental suffering. You're seeing your old self and wondering if your life has prepared you for this moment. You're picturing the outcome of the battle. You see yourself losing!"

Naruto made a fist as he glared at Neji, while Naomi last nerve was on the line, sooner or later the young Uzumaki was going to open her mouth and say something.
"The way you're holding your arms in front of your body like that, it tells me you're trying to build wall between us. You're trying to block me out from reading your mind, why? Because everything I said is true! You are what you are for a reason H-"

"GO ON HINATA! SHOW THIS GUY HE'S WRONG! DO SOMETHING ALREADY! YOU'RE DRIVING US CRAZY!" Naomi and Naruto yelled in unison. Lee and Sakura looked taken back by the sudden outburst, while Kakashi chuckled silently in amusement.

The Tale Of The Uzumaki TwinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora