Summary and Authors Note

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A?N: I know, I know, I barely update my other books, so why am I writing an entirely new one? Truthfully, I just thought up this plot line and it really interested me, so I suddenly became spontaneous enough to write this.

I also haven't really had inspiration to write my other books as of late, but now that I've had this spark of inspiration, I'm probably going to end up updating/rewriting some of my books for you all, considering I'm not really happy with the way they are at the moment. Anyways, lets get into this new book, that I WILL be updating regularly. Now that that['s over with and explained, lets get down to business.

This book will be including the love interest as Stiles Stilinski, although it will be an EXTREME slowburn. When I say extreme, I mean it. There will be flustered moments and flirting, but I don't want Raven's character to be created solely for the purpose of a romance, otherwise I would be writing a Stydia story right now. Also, this story is going to LOOSELY follow Season 2, considering that I have my own plot for Raven in the works, and I want to make this story, and this character my own. If you wanted a Mary Sue, perfect romance, this is not the fanfiction for you, my friends.

Anyways, let me stop wasting your time and get into the summary of this story!!

When the new girl strolls into town clad in black leather and guns at her hip, Stiles gets suspicious automatically. And with her motives unclear, he is perfectly justified in his assumptions. What happens when snarky comments turn into banter and develop into butterflies and rosy cheeks, without consent of the two participants? What happens when her past unravels in the form of yet another villain these unlucky teenagers will have to defeat?

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