Heir of Slytherin

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Emily's POV:
"For gods sake Harry! You get yourself hit in the head and then you get yourself named 'heir of Slytherin' what else are you gonna do this week!?" I exclaimed. "Urgh this week has been horrible" Hermione huffed as she sat next to me. "What happened?" I asked her. "Malfoy called me a You-Know-What then when Ronald went to defend me his broken wand backfired and the spell hit him instead" Hermione mumbled. I quickly pulled her into a hug. We may not see eye to eye on many things, but she was still my sister and anyone who messes with her answers to me. "Don't worry H, I'll get him back" I said with an evil grin. "How" Hermione asked curiously. "WEASLEYS!" I shouted, the twins running over. "Yes Em?"they asked as I stood up. "We have a prank to plan" I said, gesturing Lee over. "Let's do this!"

"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Malfoy screamed as his hair turned a luminous orange, making the twins, Lee and I snickering behind the pillar, watching the scene unfold. "How many days did you say that would stay in?" Lee asked as he laughed. "At least a week before he can magically remove it" Fred replied smirking. "Perfect" I grinned.

"Make way for the heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through!" Fred exclaimed as we all walked through the halls "Harry's in a hurry". "Yeah, he's nipping off for a cup of tea with his fanged servant in the chamber of secrets" George added. "Shut up!" Ginny said, slapping their arms while everyone else - including Harry - laughed. "Okay! Calm down" the twins defended, trying to shield their arms from the oncoming attacks from Ginny. "Really, don't you have anything better to do?" Hermione asked, rolling her eyes at the twins' silly antics. "Your mum" Fred replied.

"Run" I said calmly, before sprinting after them. "They are gonna be bruised in the morning" Lee laughed.

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