Eht rorrim fo Erised

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Emily's POV:
"Filch!" Fred whisper-shouted, making frantic notions with his hands. I was out there before you could say quidditch, running for my life. After I had blindly ran down a few corridors I found myself separated from the boys. I rolled my eyes, knowing they probably got caught. Stopping my running, I dived into a classroom for safety, only to whack my shoulder on the corner of something. "Holy shi- Izlemcnugets!" I said through gritted teeth. Once I had stopped the throbbing pain in my shoulder I stood up and surveyed the room. The tall walls were blank, and seemed to loom above me, and the room was void of any furniture - except the one mirror that stood proudly in the centre of the room - directly in front of the door. Curiosity won over me as I approached the mirror, and as I stood directly in front of it my eyes widened. A very familiar red head was standing next to me, arms around me and smiling widely. I whipped around to be greeted with the empty room as it had been seconds before. Enticed by what the mirror could do I looked again, seeing the same image, though this time I looked closer. As I inspected my face, I seemed to be older than I was now. Intrigued by the older me, I was distracted by a ring on my finger. My hand went flying up to cover my mouth as my eyes darted to the inscriptions on the mirror. Erised. This was the famous mirror of 'Erised', the mirror that showed you your deepest desire. One that until now, I didn't know I had.

"Where were you!?" George exclaimed as I walked into the common room. "Separated from you buffoons, who ditched me, may I add!" I retorted hotly. "Wow sassy!" Lee laughed, making me stick my tongue out at him. "What's going on here?" Fred asked, leaning on my head. I immediately went stock still, and felt blood rush to my face. I quickly excused myself and ran up to my room where I dived under my covers and ran over what happened in the last hour.
I had seen Fred Weasley in the mirror of Erised.

3rd person POV:

"Did I do something?" Fred asked obliviously.

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