The Yule Ball

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I was currently sitting in a chair infant of the vanity in my dorm being attacked by makeup and hairbrushes.

"Is this really necessary Ginny?" I asked as she finished up my makeup.

"Yes now let Hermione do your hair." Commanded Ginny as hermione began to brush out my hair and pull into some type of bun. And after about an hour we were all ready. Hermione was wearing a beautiful pink dress. Ginny was wearing a green and pink dress. and I was wearing () a beautiful purple dress that Hermione and Ginny had picked out for me.

"Are you ready?" Asked Hermione.

"As ready as I'll ever be about to go dance infant of the whole school." I replied.

"Well let's go down." Said Ginny as she opened the door for us and we went down the stairs. We found Neville standing at the bottom of the steps looking quite nervous.

"Hi Ginny, you look really pretty." He squeaked.

"Thank you." Ginny said while blushing. Hermione pushed her towards him and they were off.

"Well... shall we make our entrance?" Joked Hermione as we made our way down to the Great Hall.

"We shall." I laughed as we walked down the last stair case and into the hallway to the Great Hall. As we walked down the stair case I felt eyes on my. I looked around and lots of people were staring at me. I told Hermione I would see her later and quickly made my way to Cedric.

"Why is everyone staring at me and Hermione?" I asked him as I grabbed onto his arm feeling a little self conscience.

"Because you look gorgeous." Said Cedric smiling down at me.

"Your to sweet." I said slapping his chest. Then everyone entered the Great Hall except the champions and their dates.

"Ok the doors will open soon and you must do the dance that we taught you." Instructed McGonagol. We al nodded in understanding. and then lined up. First it was Fluer and her date, then Harry and Padma, then Hermione and Victor and lastly me and Cedric. We stood there for a little bit until Victor and Hermione turned around to talk to us.

"You are being nice to her?" Asked Victor intimidatingly towards Cedric. Cedric seemed to show no fear until I felt him grab my hand and hold it tightly.

"Yes, sire?" He said more like a question. Victor glared at Cedric until hermione slightly nudged him and he looked at her.

"Well are you guy excited for the dance?" She Asked. Cedric and Victor nodded their heads while I gave her a smile signifying a thank you for breaking the tension. The next thing I knew we were in the Great Hall dancing then sitting down.

"Well that went by in a blur." I commented laughing as Cedric sat down next to me.

"You're not kidding." He agreed. We slowly ate our food and talked until we had eaten so much we were stuffed.

"Oh so that's how you know Krum. I thought he was just being scary." Said Cedric laughing as I finished telling him the whole story on how I knew Victor.

"Yeah... He likes to act like my older brother." I said Laughing.

"So does Harry." Agreed Cedric.

"Yeah that's a new found interest of his." I replied smiling. We kept talking until it was late into the night.

"So Devona would you like to dance?" Asked Cedric nervously.

"Sure" I replied smiling as he stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and we headed to the dance floor. The band was currently playing a slow song so we began dancing. It was nice and relaxing. But the both of us soon got tired of basically just standing there so we left the Great hall and made our way to the Library. There we just sat and talked the night away. And boy do I mean it when I saw It was wonderful having someone like Cedric to talk to.

Wanted~ Daughter of Sirius BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang