Chapter 40

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Cameron P.O.V

Sam and Danny were sitting at the table with beer bottles in their hands while James was leaning onto the wall next to the door to the bunk area and I was sitting on the couch with my feet up, hugging my knees.

All of our phones were on the table except Danny's who had his in his hand seeming very interested in whatever he was doing on it. 

We all sent texts to Ben and called him a few times, but he still hasn't answered nor he texted back. I was starting to worry. I expected him to be angry, sad or worried, but I never even considered he would run off to Yorkshire after Denis. Denis who was here in New York City.

I gripped my knees harder. This was so weird. Why would he be here? Why would he just run from us? The second before he disappeared into the dark I could swear someone's hand ran across his mouth and pulled him backwards. But it was so fast I could've easily imagined it. 

I let out a sigh and looked at James who looked deep in thought. My eyes then flew to Sam who just looked sad. We got in a huge fight after I lost my shit up on the stage last night.

I hate fighting with my best friends, but there was just so much hidden anger in me that would came out every time someone decided to talk shit on Denis. Something was just so off and it made me furious when people didn't see it. Specially people who were supposed to be his friends, like Sam. 

James was still half on my side and half on Sam's, but at least he kept all options open and Ben... That fucker.

I felt anger raise in me again, but it was very soon replaced with sadness and I let out a long sigh as I tasted a bitter flavor of guilt in my mouth. Maybe he did love Denis after all. Maybe Denis meant to him a lot more than I thought. I was such an idiot. Perhaps Ben would be the only one to understand me right now and he didn't even know half of Denis' past. Neither did I, but I knew at least a part and that part was enough to make me wanna rip James' head off for not reacting when he caught him cutting. I will never forget how Ben's eyes practically died when he read about it from my phone. I feel like he should've heard it from me or James, but I think I wouldn't be able to take hearing that again let alone saying it myself. 

"I'm sorry." Sam said out of nowhere and my head snapped towards him.

"For what?" I heard myself say sharply. 

"For... The things I said last night. I'm really sorry." He said and before I could start a fight all over again James spoke.

"That's alright." He said and I looked at him as he betrayed me. He ignored me though and sat across Sam. 

"You just gotta understand that things are not black and white. At least not for Cam and Ben. You can't make them feel guilty because of what they feel. That's just wrong and you know it." James told Sam and he looked equally as stunned with his words as I was. "I would advise you to look at things from a slightly different perspective. Have you ever caught a slightest sign that something was terribly off with Denis?" Sam shook his head. "Have you ever caught him lie to you about something quite important?" Sam shook his head again. "Has it ever crossed your mind that something was weird about him?"

"No." Sam whispered. 

"And lastly, have you ever thought that it was possible that Denis was faking chemistry? Like, ever?" James looked so focused and I knew he thought about this a lot.

"No, I don't think so..." Sam shook his head again sounding kinda embarrassed.

"Which means he was real all along." James spoke slowly. "Because when someone is fake for that long, he's gonna make a mistake sooner or later and maybe not everyone, but at least one person will notice that. I didn't notice anything." James continued while Sam's face finally started giving away signs of understanding why I was so urged to kill him. He threw a glance at me as guilt stirred his eyes. "Neither did you notice anything wrong and Cam and Ben obviously didn't."

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