Chapter 13

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"What up?" Ben yelled entering the bus as we just came back from the movies and not Las Vegas.

"What up? What up?!" That was James. "That's all you have to say to us after you just fucking disappeared?" He demanded.

"What?" Ben snapped. "You wanted a gift?"

Sam actually laughed but then he frowned and looked away when Cameron looked at him disapprovingly. 

"I won't act like I did something wrong. I needed a get away so I got away." Ben continued. "As simple as that. Denis and I would've been back tonight anyway. You're flipping out without a fucking reason."

"You think we aren't upset because of the tour. You think it's just okay to leave us without a trace when we're supposed to be together?" Cameron spoke. 

"Look, Cam I'm sorry." Ben sighed. "I just needed that trip. I feel a lot better now, though." Ben glanced at me and I smiled and looked at the ground trying not to draw attention.

"You're such a dickhead." James sighed but smiled. "You should've at least tell us where you were." 

"We left you a note." I stated but James and Sam looked at me like I was joking.

I looked at Ben who draw his hand through his hair. 

"About that..." He laughed awkwardly. "Sorry guys."

"Yeah you better be." Cameron said coldly. He's the only who hasn't smiled since we came back. It was starting to make me wonder.

And as he read my mind and wanted to confirm my suspicions he just walked off to the bunk area. 

"What's up with him?" I asked. "And weren't you guys actually mad too?"

"He's having a bad day." James said. 

"More like bad days..." Sam muttered. "He's like this since that day we found you passed out in front of a club. Actually I think it's since we found out about the tour. He doesn't like when things go the way he doesn't want them to go."

"Control freak..." James muttered. 

"He's probably just stressed and handling it worse than we are." I tried but Sam shook his head.

"No, I mean yeah. But I think it's not the tour. He's actually handling that pretty well, he was never that close with Danny also. He's acting all weird for a while now."

"I agree." James nodded. "He actually wanted us to pretend we're mad at you two. I'm just kinda mad you didn't take me to Las Vegas with you."

"Yeah, I wasn't even mad." Sam said and nodded towards Ben. "I just wanted to see with what kind of shit excuse you're gonna come up this time for explaining your childish acts." 

Ben flipped him off but there was playfulness in his eyes. I guess we're back to normal then. Well, except for Cameron. 

I didn't even notice I was walking towards the bunk area until I entered it and called out Cam's name.

"Cam, are you alright mate?" I asked when I spotted him sitting on his bunk looking at his phone.

"Mhmm." He muttered not even looking at me.

"No, you're not." I said and sat besides him taking his phone out of his hands. "Is this about Danny? The tour?" 

"No." He said avoiding my gaze.

"Then what? Shit, Cameron talk to me." I wined. 

"I'm fine." Was all he said.

"Are you really going to pull that shit on me right now?!" I asked a little bit to harsh. 

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