Chapter 39

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I was woken up by someone throwing cold water in my face. In a matter of seconds I was wide awake moving my now wet hair out of my eyes. 

"Get your ass to the the living room." Serj spat then left the room. 

I got up still kinda dizzy from the sleep. A massive headache found its way to my skull, but I decided to ignore it as I looked myself in the mirror and realized I was still in my clothes.

Something like relief washed over me. 

I thought about last night. I could only recall Dusty sticking his hand down my pants. My skin started itching at the thought, but I managed to calm my nerves down as I remembered I couldn't recall anything else. I probably passed out. And considering I was still in the same clothes I can safely say Dusty didn't go any further than that. He's not what you'd call tidy during sex. He'd usually cum all over me and the bend just leaving me there while he went to take a shower.

I made a face hating myself for the ability to gross myself out and tried to think about the point.

The point was nothing happened last night. The thought made me smile as I hugged myself for a second and then walked out to the living room somewhat confident.

My confidence level dropped as soon as I realized Dusty wasn't here. Although I shouldn't rely on Dusty to keep me safe, I was in such a shit situation that I actually kinda did. And the fact that Serj and Igor hated my guts didn't make it easier.

"Where's Dusty?" I dared to ask. 

"He went on a trip. He'll be back in a few days." Igor answered me.

A few days?!
I stared at Igor who looked at Serj who looked at Jace who nervously swiped on his phone. I followed their every move until my eyes didn't detect the TV. 

"Hello, Metalheads, we're back with the newest Asking Alexandria drama keeping you tuned as we promised." A blond girl in black from Louder Noise crunched.

"Turn it off Jace." Serj hissed while Jace nervously tapped the youtube app on his phone. "Now." Serj hissed again. 

"I'm connected to youtube with my phone I have to..." But before he managed to break the connection between his phone and the TV I jumped on the couch ripping his phone away from him.

"Last night's show was quite a shock for all Asking Alexandria fans who attended it and the ones who saw the video that blew up the internet." The blond chick on the TV continued. "Apparently the members don't really like their former vocalist Danny Worsnop as their guitarist Cameron Liddell claims." The video of the blond chick talking was cut and on the screen appeared the scene I saw last night. 

The vdeo was recorded with a phone and someone with a quite still hand held the phone.

"Aren't you like best friends?" A girl had asked. 

"Cam, don't..." James' voice on the video seemed a lot more panicky than when I heard it.

This was definitely filmed by someone in the front. 

Then there was Cameron fake laughing. ''Let me just clear something up...'' He did a sarcastic laugh now. "Danny is not my best friend." Cam smiled sarcastically. It was all caught on camera just like it happened. "He is not even my friend. Denis is my best friend."

The video was cut there tho, and the blond woman in black was back at on the TV. "Shocking right?!" She really seemed excited about this. "What does that mean? 'Danny is not my best friend. He is nt even my friend. Denis is my best friend.' Liddell has said. Let that sink in and stay tuned. We'll update you on the situation as soon as we get more information."

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