Chapter 28

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Three day's had passed since the whole stunt at the hotel and we all agreed we weren't staying at any hotels until the end of this tour. Nothing strange has happened and honestly it kinda crept me out, but on the other had I was glad.

My biggest problems right now was that '#brustoff' was the most popular thing in the alternative world right now. Every night we played since the guys found out about us hasn't gone without

Ben kissing me at least four times or some shit like that.

Pictures and videos were everywhere and my twitter and Instagram were blowing up. 

I didn't quite have a problem with everyone knowing, but coming up to the stage and just saying we were together, yeah that made me paranoid.

So Ben decided, without telling me of course, to drop hints and see how long does it take our fanbase to figure it out. 

It was actually fun seeing all the comments with different theory's and suspicions. There was people who hated it all, but there was so much people who supported us even though they didn't even really know it was all true.

It was overwhelming at times. To process the fact that there was so much people out there who's life you've effected so much to the better that they actually start to care about you and your happiness. 

I went out of the bus wanting to get some fresh air when I heard voices. I could fully hear the words, but they sure as hell sounded faded away - as someone was purposely trying to keep their voices down.

"This is his final initiation." I recognized Dusty's voice. 

"How do you know it's gonna work?" And that was Danny.

My breath got caught up in my lungs and I found myself walking towards the sound. It led me to the area behind the Make Me Famous bus, and I stayed on the other side, hidden, but still being able to see them. 

They were standing across each other and Dusty was holding a envelope in front of him.

"Haven't you got any social media?! Of course it's gonna work!" Dusty hissed pushing the envelope into Danny's hands. "Just pick the right time."

"Are you sure about this? They don't seem all that close and Ben kisses basically everyone." Danny spoke, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek not to inhale sharply and probably give myself away.

"I've kidnapped the guy twice. I got him to believe in stuff that weren't real at all. I have a whole secret club backing me up. Do you really think I'm some kind of amateur?" Dusty shot back. 

"Can I at least see it then?" Danny said his voice hesitant.

Dusty sighed, but then he pulled up his sleeve stretching his hand towards Danny - and towards me. 

I could very clearly see the burned in mark. A star over a spiky heart. His skin was blistering and slightly red where the symbol was, and although I said Danny, Ashley and the other's had the same symbol as me, they didn't. They had a tattoo, and I had a burned in mark. Just like Dusty.

What does that mean? Why would there even be a difference?

"I'm the leader. They listen to me. I'm the one that gives them hope. And he is connected to me." Dusty spoke with his usual dose of confidence that made me sick. "Our interests part ways after this, and I guarantee you, if this works I'm gonna let you remove it. Hell, I'll do it myself if you want."

"And everything will be like we never met?" Danny asked and it was weird seeing him actually thinking, deeply and hesitantly. 

"Like we've never even seen each other." Dusty smiled evil leaking through his eyes. "Give him back to me, and I'll give you back your position, your reputation and your career. You'll have it all back, you just have to do this final step. Get him home absolutely broken and I'll give you back what's yours."

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