Chapter 34

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When I woke up on the couch next morning I was alone. It took me a few moments to understand the universe all over again and when I finally did I remember that I didn't fall asleep alone.

I quickly jumped to my feet listening for any hint of movement. Kiryll was gone.

My mind already started to do it's thinking when my eyes fell to a piece of paper on the coffee table next to the couch.

I picked it up reading the note and I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't have it in myself to deal with one more friend standing up on me. Maybe that was exactly why I immediately jumped to the worst choice possible. 

I really need to chill.

Kiryll has just went out he'll be back, chill, I told myself walking to the kitchen to make some tea. You'd probably think that in this state I was drowning in caffeine and alcohol, but I was a tea guy.  

Soon the door opened and Kyrill had walked in with a huge grin on his face.

"I hope you'll forgive me for this, but I brought you a surprise." When he spoke I just then realized his had was holding someone else's. 

My heart rate went up again as my thoughts decided to guard me with unnecessary anxiety again, but then a girl with half black and half red hair fell into my view.

Words literally cannot explain how happy I was to see her. She didn't hesitate a second before she threw herself at me pulling me into a tight hug. 

"I'm so glad that you're okay!" She exclaimed.

"Depends on how you define okay." I said knowing I was killing the mood, but my emotions were all around the place and I just couldn't pretend everything was fine. 

"I'll leave you too to catch up." Kiryll said walking out the door and closing the door behind him.

I was thankful for that. I mean, we were friends, but we were never that close and also we drifted apart in the past 2 years. He felt it last night I guess. Yes, I did tell him the story, but I was trying to do my best to make it seem it was not a big deal, but we both knew it was a huge deal. I even left out the fact that I loved Ben although you could clearly see on me that I still love him. 

"Listen now here." Ashley spoke once she broke the hug. "I'm still under police protection program, but I managed to escape them. I'll have to head back to USA tomorrow so please let's make the best of this day."

"And how you're planing on doing that?" 

"Well first, I'm taking you out to drown in sugar an junk food and then we can work on fixing this situation." Ashley smiled at me.

"There's no fixing this situation." I appreciated Ashley's enthusiasm, but this was totally irreparable. 

"The truth will always win it's only a matter of time."

"Look, it's not just about Danny being back and all that." I sighed. "It's that Cam kissed me and I kissed back. I eventually did push him away, but Danny and Dusty had us followed and they got pictures of it where it looks like Cam and I've been making out for hours. I was kinda drunk and

Cam apparently developed feelings for me. It's complicated and I'm not even sure if I want to go back there."

Ashley took a moment to take in what I just said and when she looked at me again her eyes contained understanding, but also worry. "I can't make you do anything, but I can tell you that there is a way out. The police can do more than you think. Yes, it means telling them everything, getting it out to the world, but it also means ending it." A shiver went down my spine. "But I'm not gonna make sou think about in now. It's a decision you have to make. Now, I'm taking you out to die of sugar poisoning." 

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