Chapter 7

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When Cameron and I returned to the bus the next day Ben and James were't there, and Sam gave me a hug saying something about how those two clearly were out of their minds and that he'd sent them out to get their shit back together. 

Knowing Ben and James, if they didn't regret last night they will get drunk, and if they did regret it, then they will get drunk to the point they forget all about it. 

Anyways, they'll get drunk.

Sam also gave me a speech similar to Cameron's from last night. About how there was no way in hell I'm like Danny and I shouldn't think that and all that shit. 

But honestly I didn't really know if that was true... It was just one year that I was in the band and everything is already falling apart.

I went to my bunk after I finally convinced Sam there was nothing to worry about. I was fine and yesterday I was just so off that seeing them fight so aggressively made me upset. Sam then apologized for provoking James and let me go. 

Even tho, I slept fine last night I was still exhausted. I was still feeling pretty empty too.

Honestly, I didn't know how to feel about all of this. Last night was pretty bad though and it seemed like James and Ben were pretty passionate about kicking me out of the band. Not to mention I made out with Ben just a few hours before that, and that I found out that the man that is threatening me made a tour bus of a band that used to be my friends blow up. 

The information were still sinking in.

I let out a long sigh. Maybe I should just leave Asking Alexandria. But then, as that thought came into my mind I almost laughed at myself. 

Ben and James were just mad last night. Maybe they were just to caught up in the moment I actually was acting like Danny. Maybe they were just scared.

Who fucking knows, but that yesterday wasn't them. I know them, and who knows what the hell came to them. Sam told me the same thing and as I started to think so I heard voices.

"Are you guys good now? Clean from the drugs you obviously had in your system last night?" Sam said rather loudly sarcasm dripping off of his words.

So on with that thing that he'll be less aggressive towards them. I sighed and listened.
Ben broke into laughter. "Drugs? Was James on drugs? 'Cause I know I wasn't!" 

Yup, drunk as fuck.

"I didn't send you guys out to get wasted I sent you out to get your shit together!" Sam was still mad, he wasn't yelling but anger was clearly readable from his voice. 

But what did he even think they would do? He kicked them out of the bus in the middle of the night right after I ran off and Cameron ran off after me.

Like they was no way they weren't going to drink. 

"He's drunk because he couldn't handle the guilt. I'm sober." James' statement shocked me. I expected him to be even more drunk.

"What guilt?" I heard Cameron say before Sam could open his mouth again. 

"What he said to Denis." James said. "I'm sorry too."

"For what exactly?" Sam burst out before Cameron could stop him. "Saying we should kick him out of the band, saying he was the same as Danny or slamming me into a Goddamn wall?!" The poison Sam's words held scared me. 

And the fact this was about me wasn't helping.

A moment of silence. Then Jame spoke again. "All of that." He said. "I was just... I don't know... scared? It's exactly how things started with Danny you can't deny that though."

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