Will- I didn't give you a solo, you earned a solo

Puck- if I here one more hipster thing today I swear to god...

Quinn- what's up with you

Puck- my sister has been using our computer to watch joey Graceffa videos all day.

Kurt- 😂😂😂

Santana- that's hilarious, also congrats to all the winners

Blaine- the question is why you know it was joey Graceffa?

Puck- I could hear it but I herd about him as the first guy to achieve my life dream of taking a bath in a bowl of cereal

Tina- OMG I LUV that video

Brittany- why are there hashtags next to the songs

Artie- <face palm>

Santana- honey, that's a number sign

Brittany- oh okay

Finn- did you guys here Kurt asked Blaine to move in with us...

Santana- WHAT?!?

Puck- really?

Brittany- awwww UNICORNS 🦄

Kurt- why Finn ?

Finn- you took my game room

Kurt- you wrecked my car

Mike- burn.

Finn- shut up mike and yeah I guess I do owe you one don't I

Kurt- if by "one" you mean paying for my new car than yes you do.

Mercedes- I still can't believe Klaine is living together

Quinn- what are you gonna name your kids?

Kurt- idk, were not getting married Quinn

Blaine- you don't want to marry me😮

Kurt- no I didn't mean it like that

Blaine- I'm joking

Kurt- I hate you😑

Blaine- you know you love me☺️

Kurt- yeah fine I do😝
From: Rachel to: Will


Will- I'm not having this conversation Rachel.

Rachel- I deserve that solo

Will- no you don't Rachel, it's not about who the better singer is it's about who portrays the song better

Rachel- I portrayed that song beautifully, I even cried

Will- yes you did but Rachel if you really want to make it as a singer you haft to learn that you can't just smile or cry to portray emotion, you haft to feel it in your singing

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