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After the event, Arlo and I ended up in his office to celebrate with a bottle from his personal wine collection. I stepped into his office and kicked off my heels. My feet were absolutely aching.

"Mark was a genius idea. I wish I'd had you here sooner. Maybe I wouldn't have had to deal with Gwen in the first place," he joked.

"You really don't like her," I noted as I sat on the couch and pulled the glasses out. He set his bottle on the desk before cranking it open with an cork screw. He chuckled.

"And you do?" he said in amusement. I shrugged.

"It's not my place to say," I opted as I brought the glasses over to the desk.

"Brutal honesty, remember?" he said as he poured the wine into the glasses. I sighed as he handed me my glass.

"It seems like she's trying to run you... Like taking control of your company is somehow going to feed power into hers; like a leech. I don't think you need her, but I think she might rely too heavily on you. And I think she actually might like you... romantically," I gave in. He raised his glass and I followed suit.

"To doing things my way," he toasted. I let a small smile grace my face before touching my glass with his and taking a sip. The wine was aged well.

"And how would you do that?" I asked seductively as I leaned closer slightly. If I could get him to kiss me tonight, I would have him exactly where I wanted him. I could see it in his eyes; he wanted to. I saw the resistance before he gave in and kissed me. I waited a moment before kissing him back eagerly. His lips were soft and my body was soon engulfed in flames. I counted to three before I pulled away and portrayed shock on my face. His eyes only widened slightly as he fumbled with his words. My cheeks were genuinely red.

"Well I guess the 'never-been-kissed' part of my virginity is gone," I said in a breath.

"I-I don't know what came over me," he apologized. I shrugged and took a long sip off of my glass.

"Attraction," I answered a little calmer. "It happens. A chemical reaction to subtle pheromones, a color you associate with sex, the right perfume mixed with a certain physical look you desire, add a little alcohol and if you didn't kiss me, I would have kissed you," I rambled. I was actually getting nervous about this. The kiss was nothing of what I expected. It took me by surprise even though I was expecting it. After a second, he laughed and stood in front of me.

"You're cute when you're nervous," he smirked. He went to kiss me again, but I held a hand to his chest to stop him as I looked down at his tie. He was probably uncomfortable in it right now and I needed something to do with my hands, so I began to untie it.

"As much as I enjoyed kissing you. I work for you and that would be inappropriate," I said as I set the tie on the desk and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

"You're literally undressing me," he chuckled. My cheeks heated red when I realized how he perceived what I was doing.

"It looked uncomfortable," I muttered. One hand went to my waist as his other tilted my chin up slightly. He took his time before his lips met mine gently in another kiss. I couldn't help it as my eyes closed on their own accord. His hand moved to my cheek and pulled me closer. My arms went around his neck and brought my body flush to his. His hands went to my waist and lifted before sitting me on his desk as the kiss became more eager. His lips trailed to my neck and sucked on the nerves so close to the skin. Sending a tingling all the way down to between my legs. I was panting as my eyes kept a half-closed position.

"Arlo," I breathed. I couldn't let him do it all at once. There had to be progression, but my body was enjoying this too much. Luckily, my brain was still half working. I pushed gently against his chest. "We have to stop," I breathed at the same time. He stopped and looked at me. I knew my face was flushed and I was out of breath.

"What's wrong?" he asked. My cheeks only heated further as I looked away from his face.

"Well, one, I'm not really completely sober right now. Two, I work for you. Three, I'm not so sure I want to lose my virginity just yet, and four, you haven't even broken up with Gwen yet," I said quickly. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"I'll accept your one. You're two is nobody's business, I respect your three, and four, you know Gwen is an arrangement of my mother's doing. You were the one who pointed out the significance. No excuses or facts, do you feel something for me too, or not?" he asked. I hesitated before I nodded. He smiled and kissed me quickly.

"Good, then let me take care of the rest," he said as he took my hand in his and kissed it. I played up the reluctance before I gave in.

"This can get messy," I warned. He shook his head.

"It could, but it won't," he promised. I sighed and grabbed the bottle before pouring myself another glass. I downed the glass in one swig. Arlo chuckled and gently set the glass back to the table.

"Slow down," he chuckled. I quirked an eyebrow and went for the bottle again.

"I just agreed to a relationship with my boss. I think I need more," I pointed out. He chuckled and took the bottle from my hands before pouring it himself. He handed me my glass before filling his back up and taking a sip. I sighed before looking at the clock.

"I should get home, my brother is probably wondering what I'm up to," I said, feeling tipsy. Wine was a dangerous alcohol for me. I didn't drink much, but from what I experimented with, wine went down the smoothest, meaning it was also the easiest for me to get drunk on.

"I'll have my driver take you," he said as he placed a kiss on my head before he grabbed the bottle and put it away. He held my hand and led me back down the hall, down the elevator and to the car. He was being the perfect gentlemen. He talked excitedly about the upcoming week in the car. When we got back to my place, he walked me to the door and held my waist as he just looked at me.

"Tomorrow night, I'm picking you up at six. Wear a dress," he said. I chuckled.

"Are you always this pushy?" I joked.

"Please," he sighed. I nodded with a wide smile.

"It's a date," I agreed. He smiled.

"The first to be exact. Get some rest, Lyra. I'll see you tomorrow," he said. I couldn't help myself. I pushed up and kissed him gently which he soon turned into a heated kiss. The door opened and we broke away from each other. Kristen stood at the door and leaned against it with his arms crossed. Arlo looked at him for a moment before he released his hold on me and held a hand out to my brother.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I know who you are," Kristen cut him off. He looked at me next. "Ly, get inside. It's late," he said shortly. I gave Arlo an apologetic look before I squeezed his hand in mine.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said softly. He nodded before we parted ways and I went inside.

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