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Arlo had a car take me home for the day. He wanted me to rest and think about his offer. He gave me the week, but I felt like I might need longer to get rid of the feelings I was getting for him. I sighed and closed the door behind me as I entered my house. I knew Kristen would want to know about this, but I didn't feel like telling him. From here on out, Arlo would be my job and mine alone. No more inputs from big brother unless it was absolutely necessary. And I also knew what I wanted to do.

"Kris!" I yelled through the house. It was a moment before he peeked his head out. He was confused to see me.

"Why are you home early?" he asked as he walked closer. "What happened to your face?" he aside as he held my chin up to look at my cheek. I pulled my chin out of his grasp and sighed as I went to sit on the couch.

"You didn't see my text? Gwen came in today. Arlo broke up with her... she slapped me," I explained shortly.

"Is that why you're home early?" he asked as he moved to the kitchen before coming back with a gel icepack. I shook my head before pressing the cold pack against my cheek.

"No, I have the rest of the week off to think," I answered as Kristen sat next to me.

"Think about what?" he asked.

"To think about whether or not to accept Arlo's offer to move in with him," I answered softly. Kristen froze as he looked at me in shock.

"He fired you?" he asked excitedly.

"He gave me an out if I choose to accept it, kind of," I answered. Kristen laughed and kissed my bare cheek that wasn't bruised.

"This is great! We are way ahead of schedule. The guy is already in love with you," Kristen exclaimed. I could see the dollar signs scrolling through his brain as he laughed.

"I don't think I'm going to take him up on the offer," I said quietly. I waited for the reaction I knew would come.

"What? Are you insane?! This is perfect, why wouldn't you take the offer?" he asked. I couldn't outright tell him it was because I felt terrible though, could I? No, my brother was set on getting his way, to the point of stepping on everyone in the process.

"I just think if I agree too quickly, he'll think I'm easy and change his mind later," I lied. It was weak, even for me.

"You like him," Kristen easily picked out. It was true, but I knew that if I couldn't do the job, Kristen would. Arlo was too great of a mark to just walk away. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right Kris. Seriously think about it. I move in with him after two months, and then what? How long until he gets bored?" I asked. 

"If you don't take it, he'll move on," Kris countered. "Just hold out on sex until he proposes," Kristen said before he stood. I sighed and shook my head.

"This isn't how I wanted to lose my virginity, if you even care," I glared. "I need to finish this without you," I blurted what I'd been thinking all day. He stopped and just looked at me.

"You know you need me to keep you on track," he said and he was right, but I wanted to call my own shots.

"I want to do this my way. It's my life we're playing with anyway. If I make a mistake, I want it to be mine, not yours. I'm capable of doing this without you breathing down my neck," I explained as confidently as I could. He sighed before he stood.

"Ok," he said simply. "You're calling the shots, but I can't watch without wanting to help."

"So maybe I shouldn't be here," I replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't," he agreed. "I care too much about you to not want to help. I want to teach you from my experience, but if you want to do this on your own, maybe you should move in with him. Say that I kicked you out. He's willing to take you on as his financial responsibility anyway," Kristen added. He was right, but I didn't know anything other than living and working with my brother. I didn't know if I was ready to move in with Arlo. I was already too comfortable around him. Living with him would make it worse, but he would fall harder too.

"So you're kicking me out?" I asked to clarify as I pulled the ice pack away from my cheek. He shrugged.

"I guess I am," he confirmed before standing. "Just... don't get too greedy too early, and watch your feelings. You can always call me if you need anything. I'm still here for you. I just think you need a little push, and I'm giving it to you," he explained. I nodded quietly as he left. I understood what he was doing, but it still hurt a little. I set the ice pack back in the freezer before going to my room and pulling out my phone. I breathed quickly to work my tears up a bit before calling Arlo.

"Lyra, what's wrong?" he answered knowingly.

"I'm sorry but I didn't know who else to call," I said, adding a few sniffles to play up my emotion.

"Hey, what happened?" he asked in concern.

"Kristen and I got in an argument over you earlier and things got out of hand... he's kicking me out," I explained in a rush in an attempt to seem frantic.

"You can stay with me," he offered just like I knew he would. "I'll come pick you up after my last meeting. Start packing some of your things. I'll be there before you know it," he said.


"No buts. Pack your things. I'll be there around four," he said before hanging up. I took my phone away from my ear and sighed as I stood. I guess I had some packing to do.

To Trap a BillionaireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora