● Chapter 29

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sky fell asleep in my arms. i layed her on the bed and put a blanket over her.

i dont know what happened but i hope she isnt worrying so much about me. if ive learned anything from last time; its that you need to keep them safe.

she is moving to sweden with us

my phone buzzes. its unknown?

BEN has entered the chat.

BEN: who is this

UNK: dont be alarmed

BEN: is this lean?

UNK: how u kno

BEN: because i wouldent be alarmed w anyone else.

UNK: damn. Just listen to me

Come back home. i broke something and i need yor halp and yu need to fix some thinhs and pay half of.thenrent

BEN: learn how to spell and ill come back


BEN has left the chat

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