Chapter Twenty-Five

Comenzar desde el principio

“I love Zayn, and there is nothing that you can change about it”

“He’s a pop star, he’ll use you like you’re some kind of Barbie doll. I bet he would forget about you if you would disappear. He wouldn’t even notice, not even if you were dead”

“He is nothing like that! You don’t even know him. Zayn wouldn’t do that. He’s the most amazing boy ever. He makes me feel amazing, I feel loved. He treats me like a queen. No one has ever done that for me. Why don’t you want me to be happy? Feel loved? Dad, you can say anything you want, but I’m not breaking up with him”

“NO EMILY. You don’t get it. You’re just a stupid girl who is in love, which makes you blind as fuck”

“Like you’ve never been stupid, or in love”


“STOP IT DAD! I’m nineteen; I can make my own decisions. I don’t need your approval for a fucking guy” I yell at him, feeling like I’m treated like a six year old.

I’m so done with him, trying to tell me what to do. This is my life, not because his life didn’t work out the way he wanted does that mean he can write my life the way he wants it to.



“Oh yes I can” he says stepping closer.

“You can’t dad, accept that. I’m a grownup-…” I say, but a big hand hitting my cheek hard stops me.

That’s it. I’m so done with this man. I don’t care if he’s my dad, the president of the US, or God, I am done.

I act like the hit didn’t hurt, knowing that there is a red hand painted on my cheek. Although I can’t control the tears, the harder I try to keep them in, the faster they start to roll down my cheeks.

“You’re such a fucking dick”

“I CAN force you”

“You can’t, because I never want to see you again” I cry and run out of the house before anyone could even say goodbye. I get into my car and drive as fast as I can back home.

 I don’t even care if I ride to fast, I just want to go home and cry my eyes out. I fucking hate that man. Not just because he thinks he can control me, but just because he hit me. He can say anything he wants, but hitting me… he crossed the line by doing that.



With shaking hands I step into the office of Bob, the head of our management. That man scares the poo out of me. I have no idea how and why, but he just does. Because of him, I don’t trust people who are named Bob anymore.

“Sit down Zayn” Bob says and I silently obey, “how was the tour?”

“Great, I had an amazing time”

“Good, good” he says and sips his cup of tea, “so there is a reason you’re here. Do you have any idea why?”

“Uhm… no actually I don’t…”

“I know about you and Emily”

“Oh, alright”

“And I’m not happy with this. You and I already talked about the options with you and Little Mix…”

I stay quiet. I know what he told me about them. He wants them to get more publicity and because everyone knows us, they want one of us to date one of them.

“They need more publicity. I don’t care about Emily but you and Perrie are going to date. I don’t want you to get seen with Emily, only with Perrie. You and Emily are done”

“What? I can’t do that to Emily! I’m not doing this”

“You are Zayn, this is just for a couple of months. It’s already discussed with Perrie. You two have two weeks to get to know each other, and you’ll be official by the third week. No but’s, make it look real and stop being so selfish”

“Common! You can’t do this! How am I going to tell Emily?”

“I don’t care about you and your little miss perfect, but it goes the way I want” Bob says as his phone rings, “You can go now”

I get up and walk out, slamming his door as hard as I can and walk madly out of the building.

How am I supposed to explain this to Emily? She won’t believe me, or just genuinely hate me and break up with me. URGH.


HOLA, meh the party thing was awesome, but I'm really tired :(

oh well, i have nothing left to say, so adios

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