Chapter 17- Human

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Resistance Strength: High

Honored Resistance Member- Code Name: yummybear626

Dedication: Chapter 17- Human

yummybear626 I salute you for your bravery and thank you for your support. As promised, you are welcome to join the Resistance. We need you! Soon it will be time and you will be recruited! Madara is our target! Prepare yourself!

Author's Note: As you can tell, this story is coming to an end :(. Yes, there are about three or so. I finished chapter 18 as well, however, I need to edit it before posting it so stay tuned and thanks for everyone's amazing support!

Within the House: Soon the world will be mine, the masked man thought, I will take the suffering and cleanse the world of its filth. Moments from now there will be no link. I will be free, an entity of myself, and not bound to a story. I will become a true person with reality as an object and goals to achieve. No one will be capable of standing in my way. No human will be able to resist me.

Chapter 17- Human

The wall of papers collapsed as I burned it to ashes with a flaming fire ball jutsu. The leaders of the Akatsuki remained still, however, there was an odd look at the image I beheld... Nora was missing. “Where is she?” I inquired carefully.

“She is where she needs to be”, Pain replied coldly, “And now you must head to where you are needed as well.” His voice was dull and uninterested as he motion his arms toward me. A metal rod was held firmly within his grasp and the lethal shine it gave forced my blood to curdle. It desired flesh and death, the satisfaction of tasting the vibration of chakra within its prey. Before long, my body began to levitate and a surge of energy coated my body gently like a blanket. It pulled me toward him. It was a form of attraction in which objects were pulled toward him. It was helpless to struggle against this technique, however, through my deductions, I swiftly discharged a set of kunai toward my previous leader. As I thought, the motions of the jutsu had seized. Thus the kunai, suspended in air, fell motionlessly into a cluttering mess of metal.

There was little time given to for me to react as a whirling wind of papers came crashing down from above. It hit me with vast power and I fell to my knees. In a blink of an eye, Pain lunged toward me with the metallic rod as he swung it gruesomely. I rolled out the way in time to observe the black rod mere inches away from my eyes. I staggered backward, momentarily thrown off balance. A gasp escaped me as I realized that I was outmatched. “I wish not to fight you”, I panted for air. If this proceeded, I was surely to die in mere moments. Their strength combined were far too great for me to handle individually.

“Then what do you wish to do?” Konan huffed in displeasure as she prepared for her next plan of action.

They fell silent for a moment. “I wish to enlighten you of the truth about Madara.” I held the book that Nora had given me and tossed it to Konan.

She held the book, yet her gaze was cautiously observing me for any sign of trickery. Once she found peace within my eyes, she commenced to scan the pages with wide puzzled eyes. Her face gradually began to bleach as a frown was easily read on her lips, from the horrors it had seen, as if she had felt her immediate death. Once she glanced up with her white marble face, she dropped the book in shock as it cluttered to the ground breaking the silence with a thud. “Traitor”, she whispered eerily as she rubbed her fingertips slightly on her neck. As soon as her voice returned to her, she spoke more clearly directing her attention to the leader of Akatsuki, “Madara”, she thought dejectedly, “betrayed us.”

Unmoved, Pain glared at her for detail. She slid the book with her foot to him as he caught it with his. He proceeded to read it. No reaction was observed as he gazed through the pages. His face as indifferent, his body language indifferent, even his speech remained indifferent. “He played us”, he grunted then announced before he departed, “I must leave. There is an issue I must conform first. After I confront this with Madara, I shall return for you Itachi”, I heaved a pant as his eyes fell on me.

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