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I watched Eric as he slowly walked over to my bed with his head hanging as he opened the room door and closed the door behind him. He returned from taking tests that the doctors ran on him to detect if he had contracted the virus.

What is life at this point? I've worked so hard up to this point in my life to have it all taken away from me.

When the doctor told, me they ran a blood battery 5 times and I was indeed infected with the virus, I felt my world come crashing down on me. I chased love so bad that I ended up with something that I couldn't get rid of.

"Shayla...I am so sorry" Eric choked on his tears as he violently shook his leg, staring at me.

He continued, "I never meant to hurt you...I know I aint shit.... Baby I am so fucking sorry".

I stared at him blank. I felt numb, cold, hardened as he spoke to me, pleading for me to forgive him. I felt E'mani shift around in my belly, before she found a comfortable spot.

"How long Eric?", I finally spoke.

He sniffled, "How long what?"

"How long you've been sleeping around with Tomica?", I lowly asked as I gave him a menacing glare.

Eric inhaled then exhaled as he used the back of his hand to wipe his tears away. I stared at him, feeling no remorse at this point. My life was over at this point. Only thing I could do is pray and ask god to wrap his arms around me and guide me through this time.

"Since she was serving me those papers" he replied with hurt in his voice.

"God!", I roared as covered my face with my hands, sliding them to my legs as they shook violently.

"Baby...I am so...- "

I pointed in his face," Go ahead and say it! your sorry, your sorry like every other fucking time. Well guess Eric?! Your sorries don't cut it no more. I am sick and tired of this shit. I loved you so much, probably more than I love myself and what do I get? A fucking failing immune system, three letters that will probably take me to my final resting place, a fucking wedding ring that don't mean shit to your sorry no good trifling ass!" I screamed as my chest heaved up and down.

I continued while snatching my ring off my finger and throwing it at him. Eric picked up the ring and looked down at it in his hand, then slowly up at me as if I broke his heart.

I continued to scold him, letting him have it. "Baby...you don't mean that...you don't mean that", his voice cracked as he wrapped his arm around me and cradled me in his arms.

"LEAVE ME ALONEEEE...I hate you Eric.... I hate you so muchhhhh", I shrieked at the top of my lungs as I cried and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Shhhh", he said to me as he cried with me. "I love you Shayla Nicole Wright.... I love you baby".

I wept hysterically with my eyes closed while we continued to rock back and forth in the hospital bed. I literally saw every memory me and Eric shared from the day we met up until this point, where I found out the worst news of my life.

| Flashback |

"who said you can touch me "I asked, looking him up and down. Eric stared at me.

"Look Shelia can we talk" he asked.

"Who the fuck is Shelia" I folded my arms across my chest. Eric put his hands in his pocket.

"I meant Shayla...My fault. But yeah can we talk please" He asked me.

"Shayla I love you, please don't hate me.... I love you" Eric wept as he planted kisses on my face.

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