Matthew gritted his teeth while Brett scowled at the news. They did not like hearing this either, which only confirmed my suspicions. I stood quietly, I knew from Rick that movement and talking would just attract attention. I also knew that I would never dare talk about what I was hearing to anyone other than Diane, and even then it would only be when we were alone. Perhaps I would hear more if they forgot about me...

Matthew looked at Diane, "What are your thoughts?"

She frowned, "I have a few thoughts for all the children. Perhaps post a Guard outside in the hallway somewhere as that would deter them. One good thought is to approach various trainers and have them come in for an hour or so for some basic hands on lessons. I doubt they would attempt anything with two adults present and the lessons would greatly benefit the children down the road. The trainers are often bored during the day, so they can spend some time in the room even if the children are doing other lessons, the trainers would probably enjoy the company and being with the children."

She sighed and crossed her arms, "I don't think that they will attempt to lure a child away just yet, that takes time and planning. Although they may be willing to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. I have half a mind to come back at noon tomorrow and get Rick to train both of us from lunch until supper. Showing Laura what to do around me in various situations in the forest, in the base, or if a fight does break out. Then she can take her last zombie training class and come with me on my scouting trips. I already plan to carry her on my shoulders most of the time, so I won't be slowed too badly. I can protect her from almost any threat out there if she is with me, but I can't protect her in the base if I am outside the fence."

Someone was trying to lure a child. I had been right. I didn't want to be kidnapped, I wanted to stay with Diane. Diane wanted to take me with her during the day! That was what I had been after the entire time! I looked up at her and spoke quietly, "I would really like to go with you and learn what you do."

She grinned at me, "I knew you would, which is why I thought about it. We both need training together to ensure that we stay safe before we attempt it though."

I was game for more training, especially if it was with Diane. Matthew looked at Brett, "I am pretty sure the Commanders would be fine with having a few trainers stop by for lessons and have a Guard or two wandering around those hallways."

Matthew looked back at Diane, "I will also approach the Commanders to discuss the thought of you taking Laura with you after sufficient training. I know you are capable of defending her, but they would have to approve an all day trip with her while you are out scouting."

Diane nodded, "I expected as much. If they want, once we get our training, a couple of them can come to the training field and watch how we manage with our caged zombies in the arena."

I felt like cheering. I was so close to my goal! I remained silent though. Matthew chuckled, "Your original Group Leader, Alex, once warned me to never let you show off in the arena because you knew those zombies too well. He wouldn't tell me why, but said that I would agree with him once I saw you do it."

Diane chuckled, "If I recall right, his trainees almost had a panic attack watching me even though they were on the observation post. By the time I was done, I am not sure who wanted to kill me more, Alex or the three zombies below."

Matthew shook his head with a wide grin, "I will have to make sure I am present, as your Group Leader, of course."

Diane grinned back at him, "Of course, but don't say that Alex and I didn't warn you."

I was confused once more. Alex must have been her former Group Leader, but I had no clue what she had done that he wanted to kill her. Surely it couldn't have been that bad.

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now