"Why am I here..." She said as she became anxious. "Why am I here somebody better tell me something right now".

"Uh...Mrs. Wright yes... you were admitted last night due to a panic attack that you had last night. And your blood pressure was severely high for a preg...- "

"What about my baby? where my husband?" Shayla whined as she interrupted Dr. Myers with tears in her eyes.

I squeezed her hand while Kim stood on the other side of her, running her fingers through Shayla hair. It fucked me up to see my best friend in this much pain. No one deserves this...ever. Shayla sniffled with the Nasal Cannula under her nose and looking down at her arm where they stuck the IV in.

"Umm...If you ladies and gentleman don't mind, I'd like to talk to Mrs. Wright alone...Please", Dr. Myers said gently as he looked around at us.

I felt my face scrunch up as my lips quiver and tears immediately fill my eyes. Please god don't let her lose her baby. She has suffered enough, I don't think her heart can take this, I prayed to myself.

"Yea...sure" O'shea said as he nodded at the doctor. He looked at Shayla and rubbed her hand. "Come on Y'all"

O'shea grabbed my hand tightly as we started to walk out of the room. I looked over at Kim who was wiping her tears with the back of her hand. I blinked quickly as we made our way out the room. Ren closed the door behind us and went to sit on the chairs that was against the wall, across from the room.

I stood in the doorway, looking through the glass as Dr. Myers sat down on Shayla bed and began looking through her files and pulling out a paper, pointing to it.

"Fuck...I wanna hear what they saying", I mumbled out loud as I watched with Sadness in my eyes.

"Baby...just wait she'll be okay...alright?" O'shea said to me as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and lead me away from the door.



11:55 am

I rushed out the elevator and slightly jogged down the hallway only to be met up with the crew.

"Wassup..." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

Rih and Kim were mugging the fuck out of me. If looks could kill, I'd be 12 feet deep in the fucking ground. Kim chest heaved up and down as a flash of anger rushed across her face. Ren looked at me and hung his head, shaking it.

"Oh, look who want to show up now...you cheating bitch!", Rih shouted with tears in her eyes as she lunged towards me from her chair.

"Chill out!" Cube said as he grabbed Rih and restrained her.

I jumped back and stared at her blankly for a second. "What the fuck you talking about? Aint nobody cheating...Yo Cube get yo...- "

"It's not the time for this shit man...go in there and check on your WIFE", Ren emphasized as he looked up at me.

"Is..is she alright?" I asked, nervously.

I looked at Yella who shook his head and head nodded for me to walk towards Shayla room. I felt my face soften as I approached the room door. I looked through the window and Shayla was crying hysterically and rocking back and forth as two nurses sat on each of her sides, trying to control her.

"What the fuck happened to her man?" I yelled as I grabbed Yella shirt.

"Man...go in there and see what's up we don't know, they wouldn't let us sit in there" Yella said as he smacked my hands away. "Damn man, stretching out my collar and shit"

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