Millionaires Secrets part 2

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You have the power to decide what to do with every pay check you receive. I know that you may not agree with me, especially if you have bills to pay.

Paying bills is the most horrible task you'll ever have to do with your money. Just think of what you could do with that money if you didn't have bills.

Those of you that still live at home and don't have to help with the bills consider yourself blessed. Listen closely... save every scrap of money you can, because what you will have saved, it will never be enough.

A lot of people have a wrong mind set about what money really is, and what it can and can not do.

Today all of our money is printed on cheap paper and cheap minted coins. In 1972 the world leader got together and decided to rob the true value out of money by making it illegal to own gold coins. WHAT? that's what I said too. A little later they changed their minds and started selling off the gold reserves.

I know why they'd did it. The world's population was doubling every twenty year this meant less money in the system, so they were worried about banks hording gold and causing the value of money to drop, which would cause inflation. Which means everything gets more expensive.

Nowadays banks issue plastic money in the form of debit or credit cards. This makes it easy to get to your money and it also makes it easy to be stolen by hackers. I can't wait until they put chips in our cards. This will protect our hard earned money.

I recommend that you have a savings account that's not connected to any electronic withdrawls, or place your money in a safety deposit box at your bank. This can also hold very important papers too.

(Thank you for your vote.)

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