"I'm going to visit Miss Wallace down the road. I'll make some sandwiches for you before I go", she cut short my thoughts.

"No, go. I'll make them myself", I said hurriedly.

She raised a brow, "Trying to get rid of me?"

"No, no, trying to ease your burden mom. You do a lot for me already", I said sweetly.

"Okay, I'll be gone in a few minutes. Rest, okay?" she said.

I nodded and kissed her on the cheek. I watched as she walked away. After the door was closed, I sat on my chair by the desk and placed my head on the keyboard. The buttons pricked at my skin, but I did not care. I cursed myself. Apart from my powers, I had beast-like urges. I had not told mother about it. There were times I imagined myself tearing someone apart, breaking every single bone in their body, spilling every drop of blood. I could not think all those thoughts on my own, I was not like that. I was selfish, but I did not wish anyone any harm. I was certain those urges came with the powers.

I raised my head a few minutes later when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I rubbed at the small bumps that had formed on my forehead, they were painful.

"I'm leaving", mom shouted.

"Okay", I shouted back.

A few minutes later, I heard the front door open and close. I took a quick shower, changed into fresh clothes; a white t-shirt, blue checked shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen. Just before I entered the kitchen, I stopped. I had a feeling of déjà-vu, like I had been there before. Of course I had been there before! What was wrong with me? For goodness' sake, it was the kitchen; the kitchen I entered almost every single day.

Again, something entered my head, urging me to remember something. I just couldn't. It was frustrating. Was it mom's birthday? Casey's? Logan's? Logan would have to forgive me. He had never bothered to remember mine anyway.

I entered the immaculate kitchen. It was always spotless, like mom did not even cook in it in the first place. Mom did not really have anything to do so cleaning was her hobby. I got the bread and made peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I was not really a fan of peanut butter, but there was not much we could afford. I opened the fridge. As I was about to take the milk out, someone knocked on the front door. I closed the fridge and rushed to the door. It had to be Logan.

I opened the door swiftly.

"Dude, you better not..." I halted.

It was not Logan. I was staring into the bluest of eyes. He was staring at me quizzically.

"Casey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just thought I should check on you, and I brought someone with", he said stepping aside. A brunette came into view.

I frowned, "How about calling first?"

Casey just smiled his cute smile. It was not new; Casey always came to my house unannounced. I admit he had gotten the habit from me. I didn't have a problem with him visiting my house, sometimes, but, with Mandy? I barely knew the girl.

"Uh...err, you can come in".

Did I stutter? I had never stuttered in all my 18 years. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but it just seemed weird. I was always on top of things.

I walked aside to let Casey and Mandy pass. We walked to the living room in silence. Mandy and Casey sat on the two people couch facing the TV and I sat on the single one on Mandy's left.

"Nice hairstyle", Casey remarked and giggled.

He was making fun of my uncombed hair. I had not bothered combing it, seeing as I was not going anywhere. If I went out and mom found out, I would not hear the end of it. I was a rebel, right? Until I figured out what was wrong with my powers, I was going to be the good boy. That was a really hard thing to do.

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