Chapter Four

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 Hayley's Pov

I wandered to my next hour, fifth hour to be exact. I had Science with Demi, we had basically refused to pay attention, until the unit we start today. We normally had about twenty minutes between each class but the teacher wanted us there ASAP. As I soon approached Mr. Batson's room I saw Mckenzie near his door. I walked closer, she looked to me and tried to talk to me but I ignored her. I was turning into the room when she grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. Her cold brown eyes meet the green-blue of mine.

"Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do to you?! Also, why are you so protective of Demi?!" She spilled out, fake tears welled in her eyes.

"Well, she is a better friend than you, that's for sure, and we're sisters. Now, I need to talk with Mr. Batson immediately, same with Demi." I looked at her, giving the best bat glare I could manage. She backed off.

I quickly walked into the room and saw Demi was standing and talking to Mr. Batson, he noticed me and beckoned me over. He had a serious look on his face, but his brown eyes told a different story. He looked thrilled almost like he would scream in happiness any moment.

He sighed, but it was a happy one. "Well girls, the pre-test." He said and looked to both of us.

"Yeah, what about it?" Demi asked nervously.

"Both of you got 105 percent, an A plus. Nothing wrong, no miswording. I'm amazed." He looked to us with,-Is that hope, and, maybe, recognition? It quickly changed to a look of pride. "You even got ALL of the extra credit!" He then dismissed us to enjoy the rest of the time we had before class.

"Really?! Th-that's amazing!" I stuttered out to Demi as we walked to the court yard.

"Yeah, it is. But I got information as well." She said breathlessly.

I raised an eyebrow, signaling for her to go on. She sighed but smiled.

"Well, I showed him the footage and he told me they know us. And that we will get to know them someday not too far in the future."

I just nodded a head to her, but really I was ecstatic. These people could lead us to our parents! I felt a grin break my face in two, we both ended up goofing around in the courtyard for 15 minutes. Still, we got weird looks from people acting like children on Christmas. We then heard the speaker,

"Everyone you have five minutes to get to your classes." Mrs. Clark announced.

I walked along side Demi as we went to science, expecting an awesome unit. We arrived when the bell rang.


"Mr. Batson?" Came suddenly over the intercom.

"Yes, Mrs. Clark?" Mr. Batson responded, wonder in his eyes at which of his students would be leaving.

"Can you please send Hayley and Demi down to guidance, they are leaving."

"Yes, I'll send them right down." He replied. I quickly looked over to Demi. It was one of those sisterly things, you know, talking-without-actually-talking-at-all. She understood me perfectly when I questioned it. Neither Amy or Chris would ever even consider picking us up at school. She merely shrugged and stood up. Mr. Batson handed us our homework, offered a simple 'goodbye' and a 'good luck' before waving us off. Why would he wish us luck? I wondered, but shoved it aside, he was probably just being nice. I began to walk faster and faster, eager to see who on Earth had come to pick us up.

"Hayley, wait up!" I heard Demi yell from her place several feet behind me. I stopped long enough for her to catch up and then grabbed her elbow to make her walk faster. I get that I'm fast, but when something like this happens and she walks like a sloth, I can't stand it. As we neared the guidance office I noticed one particular tall red-head.

"Oh, shit...taki mushrooms," I said, leaning over to Demi and slowing minimally, a movement that would be barely noticeable to anyone else. "It's them," I whispered, sure of it when a shorter boy with raven hair, almost identical to Demi's, stepped out into the hallway. We continued to walk, however, just incase they came in peace.

"Hello!" Demi greeted kindly, making sure to keep the peace. She's always optimistic, something I find very difficult.

"Hello." Replied the tall ginger, clearly trying to keep the peace as well.Ok, they're possibly on our side I thought but it's ALWAYS possible that they're trying to get on our good side and trick us. I decided to try and stay positive and go with my small theory. If my theory was correct. These could possibly be our parents, now I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of my superhero parents.

"Wait, lemme guess, Wally, and umm." I paused as if I was actually thinking about it. "Dick." I couldn't let Mrs. Clark know that we didn't know them.

"Yeah, um... how did you-" The raven haired boy began.

"Our parents told us you would be coming to pick us up." Demi then walked over quickly and discreetly waved for Wally to bend down. He happily went along with it. She must have told him to go with it and that I would explain later. And by his next comment, I assumed she told him out mothers name.

"Yes, did she also tell you you're going to the orthodontist?" Wow, gotta give 'im credit, he thinks fast.

"Oh no! We're getting braces aren't we?" Demi yelled. I honestly found it funny that she said that, since I actually needed braces, but mom refused to pay.

"You're mother didn't tell us that much," Dick said, making a contribution to the conversation.

"Will we be coming back?" Demi asked

"No, it will take... um... quite a while." Wally said, glancing quickly at Dick.

"Ok, wait just a minute, we need to get our stuff from our lockers," I said, walking off slowly at first. I noticed that Wally followed me and that Dick followed Demi.

"So, Wally, what brings you here?" I asked hoping to get a few answers.

"No time for questions right now. Just get your stuff and let's get out of here." Well, thanks, not even an, oh I'll tell you later. I thought. Well, I guess if there's not time now there will be later. I sighed. Soon we reached my locker and I pulled out literally everything. Of course, I left my textbooks, but everything necessary. Before even walking away from my locker I checked to make sure my watch was on. Every once in awhile, I took it off in case I would run into 'Kenzie that day. I saw that I had it on and shut my locker.

We met up with Dick and Demi and left the building quickly. Minus the five-minute goodbye speech that Demi gave to Mrs. Clark. Demi and I climbed into the back of the nice black Transit parked outside the building. Wally and Dick hopped into the front and started up the car. They both immediately turned around and looked at us.

"Start talking girls." They said in unison. When we just sat there, dumbfounded, they continued, "Now!" 

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