Part 2

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All right so since the last part 1 year has gone by, Selene has been busy meeting her suitors and Kai has been hard at work trying to make the two's plan work! 

Selene sighed sitting on the couch with the American boy, Thorne. He was a fairly okay guy but full of himself... quite a bit.  She was tired of this all, for the past year all she had done was smile pretty as she met guys and wear her fanciest gowns topped with a natural glamour of just a pretty eyeshadow and other earthen common makeup. 

"My Dear Selene is just thrilled to see you again sir Thorne!" Channary cooed.

He smirked and glanced at Selene, "Thats how the ladies just are around me miss"

Selene rolled her eyes but continued to sit like the perfect princess even after her mother left the two alone. It wasn't until many hours later the others returned to take Selene away and for once she wasn't all the happy about it finally being over.

She'd talked to Thorne like she used to talk to Kai, as a best friend. As soon as the awkwardness was erected the two had laughed and joked as well as opened up about Selene's secret love for messy clothes and lounging about and Thorne's amazing passion for the army and a old cargo ship called the Rampion.

She didn't quite understand what the big deal with the big cargo ship was but she liked how when he talked about it his eyes lit up and he jumped in motion. When he talked about it he spoke quicker and passionately. Selene felt at home and normal when he spoke yet a soft whisper in the back of her head constantly screamed he would never be Kai, her best friend, her closest advisor, he own royal Jester, and more.

Trailing behind her mother they boarded a Luna royal family ship- one she had spent all year on for that matter- and waved goodbye to Thorne who was beaming still from their hour long conversation. Selene didn't wave back but she blushed, at the end of their time he'd kissed her and Selene hadn't pushed him away or say not liked it. The truth? It was her first kiss and she honestly couldn't think of any better suitors to kiss her then Thorne, even if he seemed more like a sassy friend then a king to Luna one day.

Releasing her braided bun after the door closed and the ship was off Selene looked off towards her mother who was staring at a netscreen across from her.

"So who are we seeing next Mother?"

"Someone from the Eastern Commonswealth, I believe his name is Parker"

Selene spit out her drink as silently as possible and luckily her mother didn't seen to notice.

"Really!? Parker doesn't sound like an well Eastern Commonswealth name!"

"Well he is a Eastern Commonswealth boy."

"Interesting, can i have a background check done on him?"

"Honey, we do background checks on all of the suitors. I could have someone tell you when he got out of diapers."

Selene nodded, "Interesting- so can I learn about him before we arrive?"

"Why? You haven't cared to learn about the others before."

"Parker is a very interesting name is all."

"Not really dear"

"It is for an Eastern Commonswealth name"

"I suppose"

"So can I get this info?"

"Well I guess but then you won't have much to talk about when we get there and you meet him."

Selene smirked, no they would have everything to talk about.

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