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Alex wasn't joking when he said the pain would be excruciating for days to come. I could barely move and felt like I needed help just to get out of bed. My body screamed at me every time I even breathed, but I pushed myself to get in the car and drive to practice the next day. Mac's words kept repeating in my head,

"It was nice knowin you."

He thought I was going to quit. That I would just give up that easily. He doesn't know me, that I am my father's daughter. If he wants to humiliate me, torture me to my breaking point, he's gonna have to do a lot more than that. Yesterday was nothing compared to my life growing up in those foster homes. As I pulled into the parking lot of the building, I pushed my body to move and walk into the building. Putting my bag down, I was immediately welcomed by all the guys shaking my hand. Alex had a wide smile on his face as he hugged me tightly,

"Glad you came back"

I groaned, "Sore....ow"

He immediately let me go, "Sorry! I forgot how it feels after the first days"

"How much longer until it gets better?" I asked.

"Few months" He smiled apologetically.

"Great." I groaned.

Looking over his shoulder, I saw Mac walk in and set his bag down beginning to lace up his boots. Nodding to Alex, I made my way around him and strolled right up to Mac sticking my hand out for him to shake. He stopped lacing his boots and looked up seeing me. His eyes widened as he stood up,

"Surprised to see you back princess."

"Can't break me that easily" I said.

He arched an eyebrow, but shook my hand. I gasped when I felt a shock go through my arm, but continued to glare at him.

"We'll see about that" He smirked ddropping my hand and walking away.

I growled and followed behind him as practice started.

For the next few weeks I was the first in the ring and the last one out. My body was becoming physically exhausted, but I kept pushing through. Mac put me through hell. I could tell he was growing more and more agitated that I didn't quit and wasn't breaking down. About a month later, Mac stood in the middle of the ring while we were all taking a water break when he yelled,


Looking up at him he growled, "In the ring now."

I sighed and set my water bottle down as I got in the ring standing in front of him.

"Alex get in here and ref." Mac said.

My eyes widened as Alex got in the ring standing next to us.

"What are doin?" I asked.

"We're gonna have ourselves a little match." Mac smirked.

I flinched and nerves filled me as I looked to Alex for help. He just looked at me apologetically as Mac sneered,

"Whats's the matter girl? Afraid?"

"No" I said immediately.

"Then lock up" Mac directed.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as Mac and I locked up. I've never done a match before. We had only started learning the basics. No doubt this was just something else that Mac was trying to do to mess me up and make me an example of. Mac took the first move putting me in a top wrist lock. When I felt him squeeze my hand, I looked at him to see him looking back at me studying me. I almost became completely frozen under his gaze. My body was on fire and as I stood there looking at him, something clicked in my head. I immediately reversed out of his hold and put him in one. He reversed me, putting me in a hammer lock squeezing my hand, having me reverse out of it. He reversed me into a waist lock. I worked to get out of it as I suddenly felt his breath against my cheek. My breathing hitched when he whispered close to my ear,

"Just follow along sweetheart."

My eyes widened and I felt myself blush. Instantly I nodded and he started doing basic moves at a fast pace and having me reverse them, putting him in the same holds. We chain wrestled for a good 10 minutes when he threw me off the ropes and whispered,

"Mexican head scissors."

My eyes widened, "You haven't taught me that"

"Trust me" he said as i was now on the move where he threw me.

Nerves filled me as I hit the other ropes and ran up to him jumping. I felt Mac put me in the position that I needed to be in as I closed my eyes, hoping for the best. As I was let go, I landed on my back and saw Mac was flipped across the ring now looking at me. I was breathing heavily as I noticed everyone was looking at me. I made eye contact with them all before looking back at Mac who just nodded. Standing straight up, I rolled out of the ring and went to get a water break as the guys started to chain wrestle some more. I couldn't shake the weird feeling that was growing inside me. Chaining with Mac changed something.

"How was it?" A raspy voice from behind me asked.

Taking my water bottle away from my mouth, I turned to see a sweaty looking Mac. My mouth instantly became dry as I said,

"It's weird....felt like something clicked."

He nodded, "Your mind changed. You went from fan to wrestler. You understand it now." He said.

I just studied him as it seemed his dark blue eyes that he normally glared at me with were a lighter shade of blue. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it causing me to flinch. He noticed and took his hand off of me immediately,

"You did good today"

My eyes widened and I almost spit the water out of my mouth that I just took a drink of,

"I'm sorry did I hear you right?"

He looked at me confused as I said, "Sounds like you gave me a compliment"

He took my water bottle out of my hands, still looking at me and took a long drink from it. I just starred at him shocked as he gave it back. Wiping his mouth with his hand he said,

"Don't get use to it princess." and walked away.

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