Got this

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I thought training with Mac was intimidating, now being his tag team partner infront of a large crowd has definitely taken that away. I've only been training about 2 months and here I was backstage in a locker room getting ready to perform. I didn't have much time to get any gear so I had gone to a local store the night prior and got some designed balck and white workout tights and a black sports bra with crystals at the top. It's all I could put together with the time that I had. Sitting in the women's locker room waiting for our opponents to get here, I took a minute to myself and tried to calm my panicked breaths down. Sitting on the bench, I put my hands on my head and tried to remember everything I had ever learned. I couldn't screw this up. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts and a voice said,

"Hey girl you decent?"

My mouth was completely dry as i called back nervously, "Yeah"

I heard the door close and footsteps rounded the corner until Mac now stood infront of me. I looked up at him and tried to give him a confident smile, but he saw right through it.

"You look terrible, you know that?" He said.

I looked down and said, "Gee thanks Mac, that's what every woman wants to hear."

He grunted, "Not what I meant."

I played with my hands nervously as he asked, "You really that nervous."

I felt tears start to form in my eyes at the amount of fear radiating through my body. This was the last thing I wanted Mac to see knowing he'd just make fun of me. Blinking them away I whispered,


I heard him sigh and then the bench beside me moved when he sat down next to me. Eleectricity flew through my body as he sat so close that his leg was pressed against mine. I didn't make eye contact knowing for sure I was blushing.

"Nothing to be scared about, it's just like wrestling me or the guys every week. Only this time it's a different person and infront of a crowd." He said.

"Exactly." I whispered.

"I've known the people we are working for a while now, they are good and will keep you safe." He said.

"They aren't who I'm worried about" I murmered.

He was silent for a second and then he said, "Lindy look at me."

I was hesitant before I looked up into his eyes. I almost gasped in shock as his eyes were bluer than I have ever seen them and how sincere he was looking,

"I know I'be given you hell these past two months. I wanted to see if you were serious, I wanted you to quit. You kept coming back and even knocking the other guys on their asses, you proved me wrong. I wouldn't have asked you to be my partner tonight if I didn't think you were ready."

I was speechless as he starred at me completely determined. Warmth completely filled my body and I took a deep breath and asked,


"I promise" He said back sincerely and placed a hand on my knee.

My breathing hitched at the gesture and how warm it felt. Once again my mouth became completely dry as we just starred at eachother. Mac's eyes seemed to be completely hypnotising me. It's never been like this with anyone and it seemed that no matter how rude he has been to me, I didn't want to be away from him. He was my trainer and about 20 years older than me, but I couldn't fight the connection I felt to him. It was wrong, but right at the same time. With all my thoughts I didn't realize that we had both started to lean in. My heart was pounding so loud in my ears as we got closer and then as I felt his breath against my lips. Only when someone cleared their throat did we jump back. There standing in the doorway was our opponents for the evening. Katie Rose and Justin Knox. I felt my face become completely red as Justin smirk,

"I'm sorry were we interrupting?"

I felt Mac's eyes on me, but I refused to look at him before he said, "Nah man how have you been?"

Mac got up and greeted the two as I stayed seated still completely embarrassed and now scared to death.

"Justin, Katie, this is Lindy. She's my only girl student and my partner tonight." Mac said causing me to look up and wave shyly.

"We'll leave you two to get acquainted and talk about the match. Lod knows me and Mac here have ALOT to talk about don't we?" Justin smirked and wrapped an arm around Mac's shoulders causing him to groan.

"Yea..whatever. Katie she's only got 2 months in so keep things simple." Mac said as he was being dragged out of the locker room by Justin.

I was nervous being alone with Katie, but she actually calmed me down quite a bit. We talked about things I was comfortable with taking and giving. Keeping everything in my comfort zone. They were heels and Mac and I were baby faces tonight so she would be leading most the way. I started feeling pretty confident until a knock at the door came and I heard Mac yell,

"It's time. We're up next."

My heart dropped and I started shaking in fear.

"Thank you!" Katie yelled back and then looked to me.

She noticed how scared I was and brought me into a warm embrace whispering, "You'll do great. If you forget anything just listen to me, I'll walk you through."

I nodded and followed behind her as we left the locker room. I was lead into a different direction towards the baby face entrance. My heart pounding louder than it ever has as I tried to keep going over the spots in my head. When I saw Mac standing behind the curtain he asked,

"You good?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I hope so."

"You'll do fine, if you forget anything just listen to any of us. We won't let you look stupid." He said.

I heard Katie and Justin's music start and then the reaction from the crowd. My heart dropped and I started to shake. There was no way I could do this. There was still time, I could run. It ws only when a hand was placed on my shoulder and a gentle squeeze was applied to it that I came out of my thoughts. Mac was looking at me with those same eyes as earlier,

"Don't you listen to them thoughts girl. Just focus. You got this, I'll be right there the whole time. Just look at me if you get scared ok?"

I hesitantly nodded at him as we heard his music start. He looked at me knowingly as i took a deep breath.

"You ready princess?" he smirked.

"Have to be" I whispered.

He nodded and when his music hit it's chorus he said, "I'll see you out there." and he busted through the curtain.

I heard the roar of the crowd as they all applauded for him. Now standing behind the curtain knowing I was next, calming myself down was no easy task. My palms were sweating and I felt like i was about to pass out. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate as I heard my music start. It neared the chorus and i heard my dad's voice in my ears,

"You got this bunny."

With that, my chorus hit and I opened my eyes with a new found confidence and busted through the curtain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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