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Another month went by and things were starting to come easier to me. The work out and the pain that came with it still killed me but the skills and the moves seemed to just start to flow. I was understanding and putting together matches in my head almost every minute of the day. Even while working at the small diner down the street from the gym, i thought of different scenarios that could work in a ring. It was starting to become more than just a hobby for me, it was becoming a life style. I was working late tonight and it was only me and the cook in the back. I didn't mind closing the diner, it was quiet and when I was going to school I could get all my homework done here with ease. Now I found myself bringing a notebook and writing down different spots I wanted to try on training nights. Finishing up a spot, I started tapping my pen on the counter thinking of something that could really make it better. I started looking around just thinking when I saw one of our cookie pans sitting out. Smiling, I dropped the pen and went over to pick it up. Studying the small tray and the distance from the counter, I looked around to make sure no customers came in and started trying to judge the distance I would have to make it look like I was hitting the counter, but really wasn't. I tried to get it as close as possible pretending it was a chair or something that could be used in possible hardcore matches down the road. As I swung the tray for the first time, it made some contact causing the noise to be heard in the back.

"You alright up there?" Henry our cook yelled up.

I blushed and quietly cursed myself before yelling back, "Yeah all good! sorry!"

"Alright!" I heard him yell back.

Waiting a few minutes for him to go back to doing the dishes, I studied the distance again and made my swing. This time was a lot better. I smiled and placed the tray down and this time did the same thing with my foot, kicking it. I kicked the wall the first time making contact which hurt, but I quickly got the hint. I started walking around kicking everything, but not making contact with it. I smiled to myself and was having a good time until a raspy voice from behind me asked,

"Having fun there princess?"

My face paled and I quickly turned around and saw Mac sitting at the counter with a smirk across his face. He worse a black leather jacket and a blue undershirt. He looked different from when I always seem him which is just sweaty and in work out clothes. Feeling completely embarrassed, I wiped my sweaty hands off on my apron and asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"Stopping by for a bite to eat, but I don't know if there is anything left that would be worth eating with you kicking everything around here." He smirked.

"I...I..was, you..." I started stuttering.

"Calm down, I'm just messin. I did the same thing when I first started out." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. Use to work in a restraunt like this back home. Went around punchin and kicking anything and anyone in my path."

"Back home?" I asked.

"New York. " He said.

"Really? What brought you to Cincinnati?" I asked.

He just starred at me, "You writing a book or something?"

I rolled my eyes, "Just making conversation."

"Don't you got a job to do?" He asked.

I blushed and said, "Oh yea...sorry. What would you like?"

"What do you like?" He asked.

I looked at him confused, "ummmm...I guess our burgers are pretty good."

He shook his head, "need to cut that out of your diet. Ain't nothing good about them and since you're gonna be a wrestler you need to keep up the image."

"Then what would you suggest?" I asked getting annoyed.

He grabbed our menu and looked through it a second before saying, "Nothing on this. just get me a coffee"

"Doesn't that have too much caffeine?" I growled.

"Shut it princess." He stated.

I rolled my eyes and went to fix his coffee and put it on the counter infront of him. He took one drink and said,

"Dang girl that's a good cup of coffee."

"Wow two compliments in 2 months" i grunted.

"Told ya don't get use to it princess." He said.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away.

"Family issues..." He blurted out.

I stopped and turned to look at him confused, "What?"

He sighed, "Family issues....that's why I moved out of New York."

I was shocked he opened up to me. i just stood there starring at him as he looked up at me through his bangs like he was embarrassed. Quickly coming out of my daze, I nodded and said,

"I'm sorry."

"ain't your fault." He grunted.

"Why cincinnati though?" I asked.

"Ohio is known for wrestling. Sure I could've gone somewhere else but the school and the promotion i wanted to attend and work for was here." He said.

I just nodded as he took another sip of his coffee, "Stupid move on my part though. My trainer hates me now and the promtion went out of business."

"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" I asked intrigued.

"Wess was an awesome trainer. I stayed with him for years, worked for him, and even started to help run his training school. When the opportunity came to buy another building and start my own promotion I took it. Called it MWA. When my promotion was getting big, that didn't set to well with Wess. I turned into his competition. Sent guys into end it for me, burned our ring down, took the fans." he sighed.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

He just shook his head and took the last drink of his coffee.

"You want a refill?" I asked.

He nodded and I took his cup and went to make his drink.

"What's this?" he asked.

Turning, I saw him reading in the notebook I was writing spots in. My eyes widened and I quickly set the coffee pot down and hurried over to him trying to take the book away,

"that's nothing."

"Ain't nothing. Some of these ain't bad. You plannin on using them ever?" he asked looking up at me.

I was blushing so hard under his intense gaze and said, "I don't know...was planning on maybe at practice sometime."

"How about on an actual match?" he asked.

"Maybe someday" I shrugged.

"Someday like this Saturday?" He asked.

My eyes about popped out of my head, "What?"

He just smirked at me, "Got a show up near Lima this Saturday. It's a mix tag match and my partner just bailed."

My heart was pounding, "Are you serious right now?"

"Completely. Look i'm desperate" he said.

"Mac...i don't think....I'm not ready for it" I said.

"Listen to me, I'm gonna be right there the whole time." He said.

"I don't know." I whispered.

"If you don't trust yourself trust me. Nothing is going to happen to you." He said looking at me desperately.

"Promise?" I asked.

He nodded, "Promise"

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