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You Want Me to……….What?!  Sequel to Arranged…What?!

Getting married is the worst decision that Cody and Jason, the two richest teenagers on the planet,  have ever made, but it’s too late to change that now.

In the sequel to ‘Arranged…What?!’ where the two teens met and had their petty squabbles between themselves, in this story their lives are going to have to deal with much bigger problems with the biggest of them being the huge ‘coming out’ party the Lockheart’s are throwing for their daughter who was previously unknown to the world. Aside from the party and its crazy planner is the approach of finals, hating each other, and some other much bigger personal issues to be thrown into the mix.

But this story won’t just focus on the two not-so-in-love love birds, it also sheds light on the deeply hateful yet comical relationship of their best friends.

Arranged……What?!?! 2:      

You Want Me To What?!?!?!?!   



Cody’s POV:

We get along alright now……. Well, not really.  

Do we argue? Of course.

Do we play pranks on each other? Daily.

Do we have secrets? More than I can count.

Do we spend every moment glued to each other’s side? We can go days with never running in to each other.

Do we look at each other like love-sick puppies? I’d rather die.

Do we love each other? Heck to the no.

Was marrying him one of the biggest mistakes of my life? More than likely.

It’s been more than a year since the wedding. I’m seventeen, turning eighteen in February, and Jason’s turned 19 just a few weeks ago.

We’ve both started college. I, obviously, get the better grades, as he often prefers to party with Rick rather than get ahead on his studies. He takes the minimum of eleven courses while I struggle under the burden of twenty two. As a result, I’ll graduate a year early, with my degree in business management. Jace still doesn’t have any idea what he wants to do. He’s changed his major three times, and currently has it at art history. How that will help him run the family business is beyond me, but as I’ve said many times: “It’s his life not mine.”

 Rae and Rick still hate each other as much as ever, and who can blame them? The way they treat each other, constantly going out of their way to make the other miserable, I wouldn’t be surprised if they spent the rest of their lives together just to annoy the other. I can see them old and frail, laying on their deathbeds side by side, shooting off insults at each other until one of them passes on, the other going seconds afterwards because they simply can’t stand to be apart from the other. They complete each other in a sick, brutal sort of way.

Mom and dad can’t wait to retire. They already have this small, little four-story mansion being built on a private shoreline in Hawaii. The grounds are amazing, and the structure is perfect. Rae designed the whole thing herself; everything from the bathrooms to the airplane landing strip out back. She’s ten times the architect I could ever be, and she’s so into it that she’s majoring in architecture on her online night college she’s taking.

Giovanni is still the best chef I’ve ever had, and has several slices of bacon waiting for me on the counter every morning when I wake up to head off to school. Which I don’t really head off to school because I do everything online through video-chat lectures and word document essays, but school is school is school, and bacon always helps to brighten up a mood.

And if I pretty much hating my ‘husband’, the insane amount of school work I’m struggling under, working, and having the most annoying best friend ever  wasn’t enough to deal with, my parents decided to leave me another life-altering note waiting for me on the dining room table one Saturday afternoon. It reads:

Hi Sweety,

We’re going to Jamaica for a month to wind down from the stress of the merger. Please try and spend some time with Jason while we’re away, alright? You two need to work out your differences. We’ll be back for your coming out party…….woops, well I guess now is any a time to tell you that we’re going to have a party revealing to the world that we have a daughter…..

Love Mom and Dad!

PS. Make sure Giovanni makes plenty of cookies for the party. And don’t be mad at the staff for not telling you, they still don’t know. It’ll be your job to do that.

Have fun be good! <3 

[OK, so this is the prologue for the sequel you've all been waiting for.....let me know what you think?????]

Arranged...WHAT?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon