All I want for Christmas

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Farkle's POV:

We were all sitting at Topanga's discussing an important matter

"Alright guys, what do you want for Christmas??" Riley asks clapping her hands together

Everyone began talking all at once

Well everyone being Lucas, Smackle, Zay, And Maya

"Woah woah woah!" I intercept yelling

Everyone grows silent as they gave me attention

"You all are gonna write what you want on this scraps of paper. Then put it in this bucket and we will each choose a paper and buy whatever is on their..." I instruct handing over pieces of paper

"So like a secret santa thing??" Lucas inquires while taking the paper

"Exactly" I reply

"Alright this should be easy...." zay says

"Be mindful of a money limit...." I add

"Aww man....." smackle huffs

We all chuckle and start writing our wishes

Once we were all done we all started placing our papers inside the bucket one by one

As the bucket Was passed around it eventually landed on Maya who had nothing written on her paper

"Um Maya you have to write something" Riley says giving Maya a pencil

My shakes her head no silently and pushes the pencil away

"what's wrong Maya you don't want anything for Christmas??" Zay asks

"Nope not really" Maya replies

"Why not??" Smackle asks joining in the conversation

Maya shrugs "I have my own reasons...."

Why didn't she want anything??

"Maya how can you not want anything??" Riley asks shocked

"Oh no I want something alright....." Maya mumbles think we hadn't heard

"Then what do you want??" Lucas asks

She sighs "I can't have it....."


That's when I decided to speak up "what do you mean you, 'can't have it'?"

She looks at me with a small smile and observes my position as I was sitting next to smackle

Her gaze then lowers to our entwined hands and when she catches me staring she quickly turned  away

"can we just drop it and move on??" Maya asks suddenly

We all looked at each other worriedly and sigh

"I-I guess" Riley speaks up grabbing the bucket full of paper

"We'll finish this tomorrow then" she adds

We all nod and with that we each begin to file out of the cafe

As everyone eventually disappears I turn to see that Maya had left her jacket

GMW- One shots (Markle)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat