The walker was wearing a military uniform.

"You led us into a graveyard," Daryl shouted at Rick.

"He made a call," Shane said, walking at Daryl.

"It was the wrong damn call," Daryl shouted.

"Just shut up! You hear me? Shut up! Shut up!" Shane shouted at Daryl, pushing him away from Rick.

"Rick, this is a dead end," Shane said, walking towards Rick.

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol cried.

"Do you hear me? No blame," Shane said to Rick.

"She's right! We can't be this close to the city after dark," Lori said frantically.

"Everyone just shut up!" Natalie shouted, getting everyone's attention.

The group fell silent. All eyes were locked on her.

"Baby, just stop," Shane said quietly.

"Don't call me that," Natalie snapped quietly.

"Our plan just got screwed. Hard. And now we have to move on and fast. We can still go to Fort Benning. There's cars here. We can siphon the gas," Natalie said, trying to be rational.

"She's right. Fort Benning, Rick, it's still an option," Shane said.

"Forget Fort Benning, we need answers tonight! Now!" Lori cried.

"We'll think of something," Rick said.

"Ricky, we need to let it go. There's nothing here," Natalie said to him.

They couldn't stay outside like this. They would die out there.

"Let's go," Shane said, grabbing Natalie and leading her back towards the car.

Before he could get her all the way there, they heard Rick shouting. Shane ran back to him.

"The camera! It moved!" Rick shouted, suddenly.

"You're imagining it," Dale said.

"Rick, it's dead man. It's an automated device. It's gears. Man, just listen to me. It's dead. This is place is dead, Rick. It's dead," Shane shouted at Rick, trying to get him to walk away.

Rick pushed past him and started slamming his fist against the shutters.

"Rick! There's nobody there!" Lori screamed.

"Everybody just get back to the cars!" Shane shouted.

"Please, we're desperate!" Rick shouted at the camera.

"Ricky, please! It's not safe to be out here!" Natalie pleaded with him.

"Please help us! We have women, children, no food, hardly any fuel. We have nowhere else to go," Rick begged the camera.

Lori ran from the car, begging her husband to stop.

"You're killing us!" Rick screamed.

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