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After Rick and the others left, the rest of the group went back to their daily chores. Natalie, Carol, Jaucqi, Andrea, and Amy sat at the bottom of the quarry doing laundry. They watched as Shane, Nick, and Carl tried-- and failed-- to catch frogs. Natalie loved seeing her son so happy. She never wanted to see him lose that smile. She knew he would when he found out about his dad's affair.

"How did the women get stuck doing all the work around here?" Jacqui scoffed.

"It's just the way it is," Carol sighed.

"I do miss my Maytag," Carol sighed, rubbing the clothes in her hand against the washboard.

"I miss my Benz, my sat nav," Andrea said.

"I miss my coffeemaker with that dual drip filter and that built in grinder, honey," Jacqui said.

"My computer and texting," sighed Amy.

"What about you, Natalie? What do you miss?" Jacqui asked.

I miss having a loyal husband and I miss not having a traitor for a best friend, Natalie thought to herself.

"Honestly, I miss wine," Natalie said with a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure Shane loved to get you wine drunk," Jacqui joked.

Natalie threw a wet sock at her, laughing.

"I miss my vibrator," admitted Andrea.

The women all laughed and gawked at Andrea.

"Me too," Carol said quietly, making the women laugh even harder.

"What's so funny?" Ed asked, walking down to where the women sat.

"Just swapping war stories, Ed," Andrea responded.

Ed didn't walk away. He just walked closer to the women, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

"You got a problem, Ed?" Andrea asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," Ed snapped at her.

"And you oughta focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club," Ed said.

"You don't like how you're laundry's done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself," Andrea snapped, throwing a shirt at him.

Natalie stood up from her seat, ready to step in. Ed threw the shirt back at Andrea aggressively, making her even more angry.

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