Live. Fight. Die.

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                                                                      Alec's P.O.V

                                                          *Two Weeks ago (Memory)*

Once Kaely woke up after that rock hitting her, I felt relief. Because she was just fine. But after we were there a little longer she past out, or fell asleep. I smiled and she smiled back making me feel okay for a minute. But then I went back to reality. She is still badly injured. She still needs all the help she can get. 

"Alec," She said. She is on her side with one hand on her head. I turned around and titled my head pretty much saying, yeah? "Thank you for helping me." 

I knew I was blushing. "Yeah. What are Friends for?" I hated that I said friends, because I want to be much more than that. I don't want to be friends. She shrugged and closed her eyes for a second, but then she opened them again. 

She smiled, "I'm serious. You are an amazing friend. I can't imagine life without you..." she said. Again, I am blushing. I really like her but I don't even know if she likes me. It sucks.  "Why'd you do it?" 

"Do what?" I asked. Because, obviously, I am confused. 

"Fight for could have let me could have not gotten hurt." She explained. But she is wrong. 

"That's wasn't an option," I told her, "Besides, were both alive, right? I couldn't watch you die. That's sick! I couldn't see something like that. Especially if it is someone I really care about." Now, Kaely blushed. She turned her face in between her arms hiding her face. 

Kaely is way too special to let die. What kind of person would I be watching her die? Not a good one, i'll say that much. But why is it so surprising? I thought by now Kaely would realize I really, really like her. Way more than just a friend. I know how it feels now. When you like someone and you walk by them, hoping one day they will notice you. But it never happens. And it breaks your heart... But when you get just the smallest conversation with them, you feel like you have a chance...but I know that's not always true. 

"Alec!" Kaely yelled. I don't know why. It wasn't a cry for help it was more like a joking yell for me. "Stop it!" Now, I am so confused. "Your making me feel horrible. Because you got injured a lot too. And all because of me." 

"That is not true!" I snapped. I frowned and crossed my arms. I lifted one eyebrow. "I took you there! I shouldn't have! And I feel terrible because I like you..." I admitted. That slipped, I thought, I wasn't going to tell her, not yet at least. But now, I need an explanation to her. "...and you got hurt. I just don't know what I was thinking, taking you out here. I am so sorry. I am the one that should be lying there in pain, not you!" 

She looked away. I said too much... I don't think she believes me. I think she thinks that she is the one that should be there. But that is totally not true! 

Kaely hasn't seen it yet... I gave her some flowers. They are sitting at the bottom of the blankets she is lying on. The blankets are on a rock. I had to find somewhere for her to sleep. I found the flowers next to a beautiful creek, not too far from where we are right now. I don't even know where we are, honestly. 

It is a variety of flowers. A couple dahlia flowers which are white puffy ones. Two Japhette Orchids and those are white flowers with about five petals and in the middle there is a tube-like petal. And one Queen Anne's Lace and those are multiple Minnie flowers connected on separate vines connecting to one stem. Yes, they are all white, but I thought they were amazing. I have never send them before. Never. So, I thought, hey, I like her, and they are pretty. Kaely is also beautiful and she deserves something like this. 

Unusual Powers: (BEING EDITED!) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now