"Peacekeeper? I simply cannot believe it is you. Who are you really?"

"I am who you say I am. I am The Peacekeeper, Her Imperial Radiance's personal and loyal knight."

"Impossible. He has died a solar sweep ago. You cannot be him. Tell me who you really are."

"The Peacekeeper. I did not die, I was imprisoned, lost really. The beam of light that seemed to have killed me merely took me somewhere...far away in the world. Now I am back." Karkat's smiled wavered a bit then completely disappeared to a slight look of fear as the glowing rainbow drinker stomped towards him and gave him a hard slap to the face that left a stinging mark on his cheek.

"You bitch! You left us here! Alone! I was the last to see you and...and I was constantly battered with questions on you and your disappearance! I was reminded daily of your death, your disappearance, you! It was hard for me! I didn't know what to tell them!"

"But what did you tell them?"

"I simply said that came stumbling out the nearby woods, half dead. you handed me your grubs before you were attacked by some still controlled trolls of the enemy and taken out. I would've helped but I had these poor defenseless creatures in my arms and my care. Everyone believed me. They went out looking for you but after a perigee they presumed you dead."

"Well it is close enough to what really happened. I applaud you for accuracy." Kanaya glared at the other troll. "I understand that you are most likely overwhelmed at the moment but I would greatly appreciate it if you don't slap me again." She crossed her arms, her mouth twisting from a frown to a smile and back to a frown. Finally, she sighed and dropped her arms, gently patting her friend.

"I truly am happy to see you but I am also very fucking angry at the moment. However I will put my negative feelings aside for the moment. I really missed you my old friend." Karkat smiled and he took the risk of hugging her. Thankfully she hugged him back and didn't snap his neck. "Come," she let go of Karkat, "let us return you to your old respiteblock. I shall inform the Empress of your arrival. She will be most pleased to see you back and in one piece." He nodded eagerly. The rainbow drinker scooped up the two still-sleeping grubs and held them closely, leading Karkat out of the nutritionblock and through the tall and quiet corridors of the palace.

It was all the same. Everything was exactly the same. The hanging fuchsia banners proudly showing off the Empress's sign hung in the corridors. The beautiful aquariums displaying varying types of marine life (The Architect had done an amazing job) had some newer sea animals and marine plants. Portraits of previous generations in the Peixes bloodline were hung up with care. Once they were getting closer to the hall with Karkat's room there were more banners, grey with a vibrant red cancer sign on them. Golden replicas of his twin sickles were up on the walls as decorations and finally, a gigantic portrait of himself was right across the hall from the doors of his respiteblock.

"As you can see," The jade blood said quietly as she opened up the doors, "you were quite missed. In fact there is a statue of you in Her Imperial Radiance's underwater palace." The Peacekeeper smiled and happily walked into his old respiteblock. "I shall send someone here with some food for you. In the meantime I shall awaken Her Highness and inform her of your arrival. I believe we have a suit of your armor displayed behind a glass case. Perhaps you could wear that."  With that, The Caretaker left Karkat alone in his room to relive old memories.


The moon was out, inching its way higher into the night sky. Karkat could hear the everyday noise of the village outside get louder and louder as more trolls began to awaken. News of The Peacekeeper's return had spread quicker than a forest fire.

The Cavalier was the one who brought Karkat his food. He had volunteered so he could see for himself if his mentor was really back. Upon seeing the red blooded troll Tavros had to contain himself. He was on duty, he couldn't go on and hug the very troll who had molded him into the troll he was today. So, instead of a heartfelt hug The Cavalier gave The Peacekeeper and firm handshake.

They talked for a while, Karkat had to make up and remember an utterly bullshit story of where he was and how he managed to survive. Tavros was engrossed in the story, eating up every detail in awe. Kanaya returned, saving Karkat from the made up story and its very fake details, announcing that Karkat was wanted in the throne room. The troll nodded and made his way down with the two others at his sides.

There was a large crowd of trolls on both sides of the room, all looking eagerly at Karkat as he made his way down the long room to the very front where Her Imperial Radiance and The Warlorde were sitting. Karkat had to admit, he was nervous. So many faces, so many eyes were looking at him. Staring, wondering, judging. He stopped a few feet away from the steps that led up to the thrones. Both seadwellers looked down at the trolls in front of them. Out of nowhere, The Empress sprang up and leaped down to Karkat, embracing him in a tight hug.

The red blooded troll staggered and hesitated in returning the hug though he did. It would be rude not to after all. The Empress released the other after a few moments, her precious fuchsia tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You, my knight, have returned and I would like to thank the protectors of our universe for hearing our cries and bringing you back into our lives." Jeez, Karkat forgot how formally The Empress spoke.

"Of course my dear Empress," he responded with a nod, "I would do anything to return to your side. As you said, I am your knight and I always will be." The seadweller smiled through happy tears, going to hug the other once more.

"We all are ecstatic that you have returned, and if you so please you may return to your previous duties as The Peacekeeper as well. It is entirely up to you." Karkat smiled and happily accepted the offer. the trolls in the room rejoiced, joyously shouting of the return of the Legendary Peacekeeper.

The joyous moment didn't last too long however, a patrolling guard troll came bursting in to the throne room. He was panicking, claiming that a disgusting, alien looking creature was spotted flying around the windows. Karkat, of course, took it upon himself as his first act of duty since his return to find out what the odd creature was and stop it.

He, along with several other trolls, ran up to the rooms and flung open windows. However Karkat didn't need to poke his head out to find the potential threat, because the threat was right there in his red pajama bottoms and black t-shirt. His hair was disheveled and his signature shades were perched on top of his head.

At that moment, Karkat's heart dropped and he knew almost instantaneously that something bad would happen.

The PeacekeeperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang