Chapter 10

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"I don't know what to do. I honestly do not have a single clue what to do Rose. Like, my mind is blank." Dave sighed in exasperation and ran a hand through his hair. His sister sat across from him, quilting herself a new scarf that was just as dark as the last three she made. "How the fuck do I properly comfort him? I just...the look in his eyes Rose," Dave frowned and looked at the ground, remembering the pain and guilt that was clearly shown in Karkat's candy red eyes, "he's in a pretty bad spot and...and I don't know what to do to help him."

"Do everything you can do." Rose replied simply, setting her knitting needles down on top of her half finished scarf.

"Gee thanks Rose. Now I officially know what to do." The Seer rolled her eyes at her brother's sarcasm.

"Seriously Dave, there is no real way to comfort someone, especially someone like Karkat whom went through such a raging shitstorm. what you can. You must know him the best after spending three years attached to the hip with him."

"Yeah but that was six fucking years ago. He's different. He sleeps less than usual, he doesn't really eat and when he does he gets kind of sick. He doesn't go on raging about his romance novels or asinine bullshit like that...hell, he doesn't even have arbitrary speeches about how stupid I am. He's practically dead inside..."

"Listen Dave, I'd love to help you but...honestly I don't know how. I do not know how to tend to a troll that was suddenly flung into a new universe that wasn't the one he was expecting to go to, I don't know how to help you deal with his traumatic past. All I do know is that he will get better by knowing you're going to be there and help him and talk to him. Establish that connection with him, rekindle the blazing hot fire between you two that was once there six years ago. Be his friend, be his matesprit, be his moirail, be his roommate, be his caretaker. I don't care what you two are, just be there for him. Let him know you're there whenever he needs you. Let him trust you." Dave nodded stiffly and stood up, heading out Rose's home, only half-confident that he could do this.


Karkat sighed and rubbed his eyes before looking at his tired self in the bathroom mirror. Sleep. Karkat remembered what that was like. Getting a normal eight hours of sleep was out of the question for him. He couldn't he wasn't used to it, not anymore. At least he was getting naps now, ones longer than the normal fifteen minute ones. That's how he got his rest and energy. But full nights of sleep? Out of the question. He was trained to stay up all night and, most of the time, all day. He had to. If he didn't stay up, who else would guard the Empress whilst she slept? Who else would be her loyal knight? No one else is who. That was his job, he knew he'd have to make several sacrifices and sleep was one of those sacrifices. It was fine though, the less sleep he got the less nightmares haunted him. Dave began getting worried though. He began telling- no, scolding Karkat that he needed more sleep. Sleeping once or twice a day for about an hour or so wasn't healthy. Sure it'd be fine if it were only a thing every once in a blue moon but it wasn't okay if it was happening every day for six years.



Karkat's mind wandered from sleep on over to Dave. Karkat remembered Dave. He remembered how he sneered at him as he pointed the the pearly white sword to his chest. He remembered Dave saying things, horrible horrible things, to him though he couldn't hear him. His blood was pumping so loud and he was so tired from fighting that he couldn't make out the words. He remembered the pearly white sword being painted with his freakish red, he remembered Dave grinning manically, he remembered-

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