I Love You

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Today was the day. The day that Hayden comes back. The day that a few friends come over for my baby shower. Well who am I kidding? I didn’t have much friends. Granger, some people from church, and a few from the home. Today seems like a pretty damn good day. I was just itching to see Hayden. I couldn’t wait. I was going to tackle him when I see him.

I waddled down the stairs as I looked at all the pink decorations in the living room and the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen island where Granger was setting up snacks.

“So, everyone should be here around noon. The cake Mom is making should be here in fifteen, and Hayden should be here anytime now.” Granger smiled at me when she finished telling me the schedule for this evening.

Even though I should be think about Hayden at this moment I could help but have my mouth water thinking about the cake Grangers mom was making. Vanilla and strawberry swirl. Yum.

Then, as right on cue, the door bell rang. I smiled so much my cheeks hurt. I squealed and jumped up from my seat.

“I think you should answer that Summer.” Granger said with a smile on her face. I straightened out the dress Hayden gave me for my birthday and rushed to the door as fast as I could with my tummy. I stood in front the door and straightened out my dress again. Giving myself steady breathing reminders.

“Just answer the door!” Granger yelled at me. I was nervous. I’ll admit that. I didn’t know what to do. I was probably just going to stand there like a fish out of water. I took one last deep breath and opened the door.

There he was. Standing before me with his mouth slightly open and staring at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. And I was here staring at him the exact same, knowing he is the best boy in the universe.

I stepped back when Hayden stepped forward and came into the house. He dropped his bags on the floor and I closed the door behind him. “I came straight here.” He muttered with tears in his eyes.

At the same time I whispered, “I missed you so much…” Without another word Hayden stepped forward and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and couldn’t help the tears that streamed down my face.

“Lets to upstairs.” Hayden muttered, grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs and to my room.

“No sex!” Granger yelled.

“I’m pregnant!” I yelled back.

“That doesn’t make a difference…” I heard her say barely above a whisper. Hayden chuckled. Once we got in my room he closed the door behind us, then sat us down on the bed.

Before saying anything he hugged me again and gave me a short passionate kiss.

“I have so much to tell you. About my dad, things about me, about us,” Hayden talked on and on. I watched as his lips moved, but I didn’t hear the words coming out his mouth. I just sat on the bed across from him with my mouth half open.

I had to tell him. When would be the perfect time though. What was he going to say. Oh God, I was already freaking out and I didn’t even tell him. I was just staring while opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water.

Hayden was still talking when I said it. When I let out the secret. “I love you.” I breathed out. I could feel the butterflies when I knew it was the right moment at the right time. I shook my head when Hayden stopped talking and looked at me wide eyed.

“What…?” He whispered.

“I love you,” I smiled and moved closer to him, giving him a little peck on the lips.

Pregnant at 16. I Don't Think This Was in The BibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora