Wishes Do Come True

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I laid my head on Hayden’s lap. He was softly petting my hair. We were on a comfortable bench in the police office.

After Liam’s little brat fest I texted Hayden, who came rushing to come to see me. I told him, play by play, exactly what happened. Hayden called the cops. Even though I begged him not to. He didn’t want me to get hurt. Now, here we are, in the police station waiting for them to call us up to be questioned.

I watched in through the window as Liam’s parents were yelling at him and Liam was yelling back. Hayden occasionally said something to me. Like what I though I would name my child, what was I going to do about my parents and so forth.

Finally a police man came in and told us to go to the room with the big window. Hayden stayed close, Liam and his parents were still there.

Hayden and I took a seat across from them. Two police officers on the right and left of the table.

The questions began, “Summerlynn, when you had sex with Liam, did you know of his intentions?” The officer on the right ask.

“What intentions?” I was confused. I turned to Hayden, he also looked really confused.

Finally the officer looked between all five of us and sighed. “Apparently when Liam had sex with you he knew you would get pregnant somehow. He wasn’t drunk, only you were. You were given rufiees to make it seem to you that he also wanted to have sex with you. Anyway, Liam only had sex with you so he can have the child and finally, when the child is old enough, Liam would move the business onto him or her.”

It shot a pain in my heart. To know no one actually loved me. To know that he didn’t actually want to help me. To know that he tricked me.

The officer sighed again and used his hands to lean on the steel table, “But we want to assure you, Summerlynn, that nothing of that sort is going to happen. We promise to keep you and your child safe.”

I thanked the officer. He then told us that we could talk amongst ourselves and that he’d be outside, just in case. Its been three minutes. I was watching the time above Liam’s head.

Finally I sigh and looked at him, “Why?” I asked. I said it in a soft voice, barley above a whisper. I almost had tears in my eyes. I didn’t know why. Maybe because Liam lied. Maybe because I was certain he didn’t love me anymore.

“Why Summer? Because I don’t want to take over the family business. I didn’t want my parents controlling my life. I wanted my own life. I never loved you and I never will. Your just a stupid ugly pregnant bitch!” He stood at the last sentence and yelled in my face.

His parents gave him a disbelieving look. The officer was walking towards the window. I was about to say my response. When the unexpected happened. A tanned hand came towards Liam’s face. I looked up and saw Hayden looking down at the ground and Liam. I smiled.

Just as the officer came in Hayden and I left the police station.

My day was hell, I just didn’t know why. I was happy.


I sat up in bed and stared at Autumn. She was softly snoring. Finally Saturday. No school. I didn’t have to worry about Granger. Or any mean high schoolers to call me a slut.

I was just about to go in the bathroom and take a long hot shower. But Anna came in and told me I had a visitor.

It wasn’t unexpected. Hayden promised me a day of relaxation at his house. Since I had such a sucky week he thought I should have a happy day. We were going to watch movies at his house. I just didn’t know that he’d be coming this early.

I smiled at I went down the hall. But I saw two people waiting. They finally turned around.

“Mom, dad. What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

My parents walked closer to me and each gave me a hug. My dad was the last to hug me. He gave me a long tight hug. Once he finally pulled away he said, “Thank you Summer! Your advice helped a bunch.” Both my parents smiled at me.

I gave them a big smile. “I’m so happy! What did you do?” I asked. I wonder what my dad said to mom to get them back together.

“Lets sit down dear and I’ll tell you the whole story. It was the sweetest thing ever!” My mom gushed as we sat down on one of the couches. “Well your father came over to the hotel I was staying at. He knocked on the door with his best clothes on and was on one knee. Then he asked me out, on a date!” She squealed.

It was the most cheesy thing I’ve ever heard. But it was sweet. Real sweet. I smiled at my parents.

“Summerlynn, what happened with Liam? There was police cars across the street last night.” My dad said.

“Well,” I started to tell them the details. Everything that happened yesterday. My dad wasn’t surprised at all. My mom was shocked.

“Liam was so sweet. Who ever thought he would turn into such a spoiled brat?” She yelled.

“Liam was always a spoiled brat. I’m not surprised he tried something as low as this,” My dad replied.

My parents and I were catching up. My dad got bored when me and my mother started talking about baby showers and names for my child. Dad started watching TV with the other pregnant teens while my mom and I were getting into details about a baby shower. Who knew my dad would like Pride and Prejudice?

My parents were about to leave when Anna came up to us and told me I had another visitor. Hayden came toward the recreational area, I quickly walked up to him and gave him a hug.

I didn’t realize what time it was. My parents and I were talking for nearly five hours!

“Hey, your not even dressed.” Hayden said when he parted from hugging me.

“Sorry my parents came. Come and meet them.” I tugged him along to my parents.

“I’m not good with parents.” He whined and tugged along me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him towards my parents. “Mom, dad. I want you to meet my friend Hayden. Hayden this is my parents.” I smiled as they shook hands.

“Well honey, I’m afraid we have to go. Bye Hayden and Summer.” My dad started towards the door.

“Bye honey,” My mom gave me a hug and slipped something in my hand. “We love you, remember that.” She smiled and left behind my father.

I looked down at the folded paper she gave me. Hayden was behind me, wanting to see what the paper was also. I opened it and looked over the document.

It was a disowner ship document. It was never signed. I’m still my parents daughter. They really did love me! I guess wishes do come true…

Pregnant at 16. I Don't Think This Was in The Bibleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن