My Day is Hell

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I woke up about three times when Autumn was kicking and screaming in her sleep. Finally on the fourth time I fully woke up I went to take long hot shower. Once I got out Autumn was sitting up in her bed with beads of sweat running down her face.

I draped the towel over my shoulders and quickly walked over to Autumn to comfort her.

“Hey, honey you okay?” I asked, I rubbed her back softly.

She just shook her head. I looked at her with sympathy. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

“My therapist said that I would have these crazy nights where I just wake up from horrible dreams of my baby. I didn’t realize how scary they might actually be,” Autumn looked down at her hands and shook her head.

Autumn slowly got up and I followed her to the bathroom to splash her face with cold water. She walked over to her bed while I stayed in the doorway of the bathroom to put my hair in a high ponytail.

I watched her as she put her head to the wall and looked at me.

“Summerlynn, honey, I know this is a random time to say this. But I was thinking a lot about it last night. Hayden is defiantly to old for you. I mean your 16 and pregnant. Then he’s 20 and…” She didn’t know the word to describe him, I didn’t either.

But I knew a whole bunch that might fit there.

I didn’t agree with Autumn, all I said to her was, “Whatever.” And rolled my eyes putting a pink bow on the crown of my head.

She sighed, “Remember when you first came here and I told you that once when I was 20 I dated a person that could be retired or possibly be your grandfather?” She question and I shook my head. “Remember when you said that I was awfully to young to date a 40 year old?” She asked again. I sighed and shook my head again.

“Maybe you should learn how to take your own advice.” She told me, looking me dead in the eye through the mirror.

“You don’t get it Autumn. That 40 year old was your hot teacher. This 20 year old is my hot friend. Were nothing more. I’m not like you, I wont get caught by the police on a reckless night.” It was cold hearted, but true. I didn’t want to hurt Autumn more than she already was. But she had to face the truth sometimes. Not everyone would make her mistakes. Certainly not me.

“One day your going to regret not listening to me. One day your going to get your heart broken and not have any friends to back you up. One day your going to be alone and afraid. Every good thing comes to an end, Summer.”

I just wished I had listened to her…


Hayden wasn’t in first period or second. I had waited for him in the school parking lot by his usual space. But he never showed.

Before my free period, 6th period, I went to lunch to find Hayden sitting at a table. I smiled and walked over to him with my lunch tray. I sat down on the bench, squinted my eyes, and looked up at him at where he was sitting on the table top.

He smiled down at me and took my apple from my tray. I pouted, I was going to eat that. But much to my disappointment he took a large bite and placed it back on my tray. Despite the germs, I took a bite also.

After I was done eating my large lunch I was still hungry. I slightly pouted and looked up at Hayden.

“Will you get me some fries?” I asked.

He thought about it for a moment. I gave him puppy dog eyes, he got up and decided to buy me more food. I smiled with excitement.

I looked around the lunch room, that’s when I noticed everyone staring at me. I started to panic. Some started snickering behind their friends and pointing to me. Finally when I was on the verge of screaming an envelope was passed my way.

I quickly opened it. It was a packet of a few pages. Scanning through them I panicked even more. Who could do such a thing? Granger? Someone else who wanted to destroy me?

The first page was of me and Liam. Somehow someone had gotten a picture of me at the party, dragging Liam into a darkened room. It may have looked like that through the picture. But I knew the truth. That my eyes pleaded for a way out this and Liam’s with encouragement. In bold pink lettering It said, ‘Summerlynn Her-Man made Liam Henderson have sex with her.”

The second page had a picture of me and Hayden at the park. I was laying my head on his chest and he was looking down at me. I could explain this one. I don’t know why, but it touched my heart some how. In red bold lettering it said, ‘Why would a hottie like Hayden Jak hang out with a grade A dork like Summerlynn?’

The third page, the most hurtful. It had a back side and a front. The front had a picture of me at home reading a book. I had my glasses on, with out any makeup. ‘Why is Summerlynn so unattractive and fat? She only wears make up to hide the real picture, she’s a slut.’

The back… It only had words. No pictures. No reassuring words. Just hateful words, ‘Stop Summerlynn from whoring around, expel her from school sign here:’ then there below the words, there it was. Everyone’s signature. And in big, purple, cursive, neat handwriting, was Granger Jones.

One single tear came down my face and make a wet hole in the paper. I looked and saw Granger and Hayden towering over me, “Hurts doesn’t it. Bitch.” Granger said in disgust then turned and walked over to a different table.

My eyes became foggy with tears. I felt a hand on my back and saw Hayden comforting me.

I turned and clinged on to his shirt. Hoping all their laughs and torments and hateful words would go away. But when ever I sobbed and looked back up, they wouldn’t leave. They wouldn’t go away. I couldn’t take it! It would haunt me forever.

Finally Hayden had saved the day to ask me, “Why don’t we ditch these bitches and hoes and lets get out of here.” I looked up to him. And despite my swollen, redden, tear-stained face, he smiled and carried me out of the school.


Hayden brought me to the park from the day before. The one that the picture was taken somehow. I looked around to make sure we weren’t followed. I looked at Hayden who was looking at me with a thoughtful look on his face. I looked him up and down and saw his shirt was drenched in my tears.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Sorry about your shirt.” I muttered through the laughs.

He looked down at his light blue, now navy blue drenched shirt and joined in my laughter, “Its okay.” He waved it off with his hand, “I didn’t like this shirt anyway.”

I smiled and continued to swing lightly on the swing.

I looked at him and he didn’t smile, “Summer, you know we have to talk about what happened sooner or later.”

I looked at him with a sad face, “Can we pick later?” I asked.

He shook his head, no. I told him what happened. Every small detail and every big one. And just when I was at the verge of crying again he let me stop when I was just about to tell him about the petition. He gave he a big hug.

“Don’t worry,” He said with his arms still around me, “one day, you’ll get them back.”

And just when I was going to tell him how much of a great friend he is… I saw a head full of light blond hair coming out way. I knew what it was. My throat became dry…

Liam said my name.

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