Foregiveness is The Key

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I looked left and right to find Granger. There was no Granger. I was sort of thankful. I didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t want to face her. If she wants to act like a complete bitch then go bitch to someone else. I was only doing what she did to me. Make me feel horrible.

I started towards the parking lot. I looked to the right. Sure enough, there was Granger. She was sitting on the black top, leaning against her car, and crying into her hands. I quickly wanted over.

Granger’s head snapped up. She looked at me with vicious eyes full of hatred. Not to mention they were red and tear stained. “What do you want?” She muffled through a sob.

“Granger, I think we need to talk.” I said and slid down next to her with my hands on my belly.

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.” She muttered again and whipped the tears from her face. She folded her arms and looked down at the ground. She moved a little when she saw an ant crawling her way.

“No, either we have to talk right now or later. I don’t want to talk later, so, its time to talk now.” I didn’t mean to be demanding, but I was so tired of Granger getting every thing she wanted. It was my turn now. At lease for a little while.

She sighed and shook her head, “Fine. What do you want?” She asked again.

“Why did you do it, Granger? Why did you call me names when you said I was your best friend? Why did you call me ugly when you told me I was beautiful once? Why did you betray me? Why did you change?” I asked her all at one time.

“Do you really want to know what happened, Summerlynn? Middle school is what happened. Once I got a taste of it, I couldn’t get enough. I want to be popular, I wanted to be noticed, I wanted to be famous. The only way I could be all that was either stop hanging out with the bible freak or make fun of her like everyone else did. I still wanted to be friends with you so I managed to be friends with you and taunt you.

“Even though I did all those horrible things to you, nothing changed. I was still known as the hot outcast who hangs out with the bible freak. Once we got to high school, it was over. I was done being noticed as the nerd. I went to all the parties. Sure I got a few friends, but that still wasn’t enough, I wasn’t popular. I was just Granger Jones, the hot girl.

“Then it all started. I really did horrible things to you then. Finally people started to really notice me. I was finally popular. Then I was noticed as Granger Jones, the whore, who still hung out with outcasts. Even though I was popular, even though everyone noticed me finally. It wasn’t enough.

“I took you to a party. Liam and I planned it. What I didn’t know was that he was going to use the baby for business. I didn’t know a thing. All I planned out was to get you pregnant and then hopefully get you out of my life forever. Then when I finally found out you were pregnant I couldn’t stop with a constant insults. I wanted to stop, I swear, but I couldn’t. I still wanted that certain popularity.

“Once I found out that you were going out with Hayden Jak, everything changed. I knew how I could get you out of my life, how I can finally become popular. I paid someone to follow you to around and take a picture of you two. I found the perfect picture, that’s when that packet came to mind. I made it, I wasn’t surprised it worked. But today, when you sent you that packet. It was just, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think you had the balls. But now I do, what I want to know is why’d you do it Summer? Why didn’t you stop me? Why didn’t you care?” She looked at me with her big eyes.

I sighed, I knew it was true. From the moment we stepped into the big grass field of Valdermount high school, I could see in here eyes. She wanted something, she wanted everything. She wanted to be popular. I couldn’t help but want to be popular with her. But all the friends I made were considered nerds. All I was ever going to be called was the bible freak, Virgin Summy.

“Why’d I do it? I wanted to get back at you. I was tired of you being in charge all the time. I was tired of you being the popular girl. I wanted you to get a taste of what you did to me for three years. I wanted you to know how I felt. I wanted you to be in my shoes for once. I didn’t stop you because I knew it wouldn’t help. You’d just keep doing it over and over again. You’d keep calling me names and playing tricks on me. I cared, I cared so much. I didn’t understand why my best friend in the whole world would ever do anything like that. I didn’t call you a true friend. Hell, I didn’t even call you a friend.” Now we were both crying.

With tears in our eyes and sobs coming out, Granger came out of her sitting position, knelt in front of me, and gave me a big hug.

“Summer, I’m so sorry! I’m such a bitch. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I’m stupid. I love you,” She sobbed in my shoulder.

I stroked her hair and hugged her back, “It’s okay. I’m sorry too.”

We broke apart and wiped each others tears away. We both laughed at the same time. “Best friends?” I asked, holing out my pinky.

She linked her pinky with mine and shook her head in agreement. “Best friends forever and always.”

We each wiped our tears till we were satisfied. I sniffled and stood up. Granger helped me up and opened her car door for me. I stepped in and sat down. Granger hurried to the other side and went in. “Want to get ice cream?” She asked.

I shook my head, yes. I was starving, I haven’t ate in a while. Maybe it was just the hormones, or the fact that I have a three month old child in my stomach, but I was hungry.

Thank goodness it didn’t take long, we were there in no time. We both climbed out the car and walked in the ice cream parlor. We got our ice cream and took our seats.

“So what’s the down low? What’s been up?” Granger asked me. I looked at her with my spoon ready to go in my mouth. She giggled and shook her head.

“Oh you know the usual. Peeing every five minutes, craving odd foods, throwing up, looking like a hippo.” I replied, eating my ice cream. “Hey where’d you get that odd idea that Hayden and I are going out?” I asked her.

“Well aren’t you guys?” I shook my head, confused, “Well everyone thinks you are.”

“Well we aren’t, were just friends. That’s all, friends.”

“Yeah tell me that when I believe it. You guys are like totally meant for each other. Do you not see how he looks at you, how you look at him?” I shook my head, “You cant fool me Summerlynn, we’ve been friends forever. I know you inside and out. You like Hayden.”

I shook my head again. “Your just crazy.”

“No Summerlynn, your crazy, crazy in love that is.” We both laughed.

“You wish.”

“You’ll see one day Summer. One day you’ll find out exactly what I’m talking about. That day, you wont think I’m crazy,” She said and continued to eat her ice cream.

I don’t know why Granger thought that. I didn’t know why everyone thought that. One thing I knew I was absolutely completely uncertain about, why did I felt a tug of my heart when I said I didn’t like Hayden?

Pregnant at 16. I Don't Think This Was in The BibleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora