Chapter 18 - "You done?"

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget to text Natalie our address," Amelia said, teasingly.

The tips of Charlie's ear went bright red.

"So..." Amelia said, her voice dripping with curiosity.

Charlie's shoulders sagged and he pivoted back to face her.

"Is this the same Natalie that beats you at every debate? The same Natalie that is beautiful and smart, yet you haven't asked her out yet? Interesting she should have your number," Amelia said

"You're annoying you know that."

"I'm your sister, it's in the hand book. So tell me."

"Nat asked for my number because we're partners on a project. She's coming over tonight to work on it."

"How'd you two become partners?" Amelia asked.

"She asked me, said working with anyone else would mean she did all the work. I understand that so I said yes. It's not a big deal, it means nothing."

"You are stupid, aren't you?"

Charlie glared at her and pulled a note book out from under her arm.

"Seriously Charlie? How do you not see it? I've had less experience than you and even I can tell the girl likes you. Heck a baby could tell she likes you!" Amelia said, tossing her hands up. "She's coming over on a Friday night to work with you on a project you could easily do tomorrow."

Charlie ignored her. Exasperated, Amelia stood.

"We are going to end up alone. Me because I can't find anyone. You because you're blind and dumb as the thumb. Don't come crying to me one day when your realize your old and loveless and lost the one girl who liked you. Correction the one girl you liked and was worth liking."

"You done?" Charlie asked, glancing up from his notebook.

"Yes," Amelia said, sullenly.

"Thank you."


There came a knock on the door Charlie and Amelia exchanged a brief look before jumping into action.

"I got it," Amelia yelled, tumbling from her bar stool to beat Charlie to the door.

Charlie toppled two chairs and tripped over an end table, trying to cross the room.

"Hey Natalie," Amelia said, pulling the door open.

"Hi. You must be Amelia? Charlie home?"

"Yeah, come in. Have you eaten yet, cause we thought about going out for pizza?" Amelia said.

She stepped aside to reveal, a tousled Charlie, hurriedly trying to make himself presentable.

"I would love pizza, who doesn't on a studying night. Hey Charlie!" Natalie said, noticing him.

Charlie had one hand balanced on the back of the couch, his shirt straightened out.

"Hey Nat. I'm glad you could make it. We can just order delivery, if you want to get started."

"I'm up for going out. It might be a long night, might as well get some fresh air and change of scenery before it starts, right?" she said, with a half smile.

"That's what I thought. There's a place down the street we usually go to," Amelia said.

"Sounds good to me," Natalie said, smiling at Charlie.


The pizza place was bursting with warmth and the smell of garlic, melted cheese, cooked bread and beer. Laughing voices floated up from crowded tables like the steam from the fresh pizza's that sat atop them.

Charlie guided them to an empty booth, stepping aside to let Natalie choose which side to sit on. When Charlie moved to sit across from her Amelia stumbled, jostling him into the seat next to Natalie.

"Sorry Charlie, my foot got caught on something." Amelia lied, sliding into the opposite side.

Charlie gave her a clearly unbelieving look and Amelia kept her face blank.

"So what's good here?" Natalie asked.

"Everything is pretty amazing. I don't think we've hit anything we don't love, right Aims?"

Amelia nodded, brightly but kept her mouth shut.

"This is my favorite, but we can get whatever," Charlie said, pointing to a spot on the menu.

Amelia disappeared behind her own menu, cutting herself off from their interaction. A waitress appeared.

"Hey Charlie. What can I get you tonight?" the girl asked.

"What do you think?" Charlie asked Natalie.

Natalie ordered Charlie's favorite and handed the girl the menu.

The conversation flowed to the normal topics of family, job and hobbies. The more Natalie talked the more Amelia liked her. Her mother was a professor and her father was a defense attorney. She was an only child and wished she had had brothers and sisters. She laughed freely and smiled often, usually up at Charlie. Amelia wanted to kick her brother for his blind stupidity but decided to let it pass.

As they finished off the last piece of pizza, a classically good looking guy approached the table.

"Hey Nat!" the guy said.

"Brent, hey," Natalie said. "This is Charlie and his sister Amelia. Charlie goes to NYU with me."

Charlie shook Brent's hand with a tight lipped smile.

"Nice to meet you both. I don't want to interrupt so I'll be out of your hair. But first, Nat are you going to be at the dinner tomorrow?" Brent asked.

"Yeah. I'll see you there," Natalie said, giving him a half smile.

"Great. Night everyone," Brent said, leaving with a small wave.

The table fell into an uncomfortable silence, with Charlie's focus lost on a spot on the table. Natalie and Amelia shared tight smiles and then Natalie shifted, twisting to face Charlie.

"Brent's father and my mother work at the same university, that's how we know each other," Natalie said "There's a dinner for all the professors this Sunday. I usually end up going. It's kind of dull but there is a chance that one conversation makes it worth while. I didn't know if you'd like to go?"

Charlie looked over at her and she gave him a warm smile.

"It's nothing amazing," she shrugged. "But who knows it could be interesting."

Amelia kicked Charlie and he jumped.

"Yeah, that would be great. I'd love to go," Charlie said, his words tumbling out.

"Fantastic. Should we get going on this project?"

Charlie nodded and slid out from the booth, offering his hand to Natalie, helping her out.

"You two head back, I'll take care of the check," Amelia said, smiling wide at Charlie.

He gave her a knowing look, but didn't argue, holding up Natalie's coat as she slipped her arms into. They walked into the brisk night air, instinctively moving closer to each other as they started walking. The puffs of air rising before them talked of friendly words exchanged.



So the answer to the riddle is...(drum roll)....Charcoal! Ha! I know pretty surprising right? Well know you have a riddle for your back pocket. I hear back pockets like those sort of things!

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