Chapter Eight

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Still Y/N's POV

''This is just stupid'' I say staring at the TV screen ''For you yeah cause you're not a fan, but for fans it is amazing'' Y/BFF says turning off the tv.''Whatever. I'm gonna go in my room and do some random shit'' I say while walking upstairs ''Have fun i guess'' Y/BFF laughs and walks into the bathroom.

I grab my laptop and lay on my bed and start watching Youtube Videos. After an hour of just doing nothing then watching some Youtubers i almost fall asleep.

My phone buzzes i look down at it. Its just some random comments on my pictures and videos on my Instagram. I check out some and they seem to like me, well not completely dislike me i found some hate comments but most of them were nice comments.

I also see that i got tagged on some videos and photos, people are saying were a cute couple! I'm glad they like me!

I wake up, i'm holding my phone seems like i fell asleep while i was doing something, i see that i was actually still looking at the photos and videos i got tagged in.

I walk downstairs and start making breakfast, Y/BFF is still asleep. I make pancakes and sit down on the couch, i look down at my phone hoping i got anything else then pictures i was tagged or videos i was tagged in or likes or comments.

Theres nothing, weird even Brendon didn't text me '' maybe his asleep'' I think to myself and put pancakes on the plate, I sit down and start eating pancakes.

After an hour Y/BFF comes downstairs ''Morning'' she yawns ''Morning, want some pancakes?'' i ask her ''Yes please and coffee'' she walks into the bathroom. I make her coffee and put pancakes on the plate.

''So how are you and Brendon?'' she asks and starts eating pancakes ''I don't know, he didn't text me today'' I shrug ''Wait what? IS HE CHEATING ON YOU?!'' Y/BFF sips coffee. ''What? no? He dosent have to text EVERY day.

''I think his cheating on you'' Y/BFF bites pancake. ''Oh come on, what makes you think that?'' i ask her grabbing a glass cup and filing if whit water. ''Its just weird how a random celebrity falls for you, then you fall for him and then u two are a happy couple? Its just too nice, something bad is supposed to happen, its just too nice and good.'' she says and shrugs. ''Oh come on! i think Brendon isn't a type of guy who will cheat'' I drink the water. ''But he fell for you pretty easy, maybe he will fall for other girls too, you never know'' Y/BFF finishes her pancakes and sips coffee.

I stay quiet and wash her plate. Y/BFF stands up and sits on the couch, she turns on some Girly TV show. I wash her empty cup where coffee was, phone buzzes i look down at it, its Dallon ''Hey Y/N, i'm at Brendon's house he invited me to his house and he isnt there is he whit you? ^-^ '' I look confused at my phone, he isnt in his house where is he? ''Hey Dallon i don't know Brendon didn't text me today at all and he isnt whit us so yeah i don't know'' I reply and look at Y/BFF ''Dallon just texted me''.

''Whats up?'' Y/BFF looks back at me. ''Dallon said he was texting Brendon and Brendon told him to come over and now his there and Brendon isn't there'' I sit down next to her. ''Weird! tell Dallon to come over by the way'' Y/BFF continues watching her show ''Really Y/BFF? What if something happened to Brendon?'' i look at Y/BFF whit a serious look. ''Oh well thats none of my business'' Y/BFF shrugs ''But- Uh fine'' I pull out my phone and text Dallon to come over.

After couple of minutes Dallon comes over, my and Brendon's house are close to each other and thats why it didn't take long time for Dallon to come. ''So what do you think of Brendon being gone?'' I ask Dallon ''Well i think its something to do whit music or something and he talk to us back cause he was in a hurry'' Dallon says calmly like this happens every day.

I make Dallon coffee and sit down on the couch where, Y/BFF and Dallon are sitting. ''Should we call him?'' Y/BFF asks. ''Yeah'' I grab my phone, call him and put it on speaker so everyone would hear. ''Ding.....Ding.....Ding..... Hey its Brendon i'm probably doing something eating, drinking, playing video games, singing, playing or writing songs ye-'' i hang up. ''Woah what the heck is wrong whit him today?!?''.

Middle of the night i get a phone call, i wake up by it and answer ''Uh... Hello?'' I yawn. ''Hey Y/N can i stay at your house tonight?'' I her Brendon's voice, i look down to see the time, its 3:47 AM ''This... late?'' I ask. ''Yeah '' Brendon says waiting for my answer, seemed like he was in a hurry. ''Yeah sure'' I say standing up ''Okay thanks'' Brendon says and hangs up. What a weirdo, what happened i wonder. As i walk down the stairs i hear the doorbell ring, it couldn't be him so soon!

I open the door and see Brendon ''Hey'' I yawn. ''Hey Y/N'' Brendon comes in. ''What h-happened'' I keep yawing while talking. ''Oh its... nothing.'' He says and sits down on the couch ''Sorry for waking you up'' . ''Its fine i was worried about you when u didn't answer or didnt text me, Dallon or Y/BFF' I kiss Brendon's cheek. ''Sorry'' Brendon says, he lays on the couch ''Need anything else?'' I give him a blanket. ''No thanks'' He smiles ''Okay, goodnight'' i say walking upstairs.

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