Chapter 6

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Leo looked at Colin expectantly as they sat in the small cafe in France.

"What about her?" Leo said, gesturing to young, brunette woman who sat with a man who looked to be her father, "She is beautiful."

Colin glanced at her for a split second before muttering, "No. She's not my type."

Leo smirked knowingly. "Waiting for your mate?"

"I am a lycan. I'm not supposed to have a mate, beta." He growled, glaring.

Leo chuckled, "Then what's your type, Alpha?"

"I don't think I have one."


It seemed as if the entirety of the kingdom had gathered to see the great warriors off.

They had rode to the docks, boarding the vessels which awaited them. Adelisa stood off to the side, along side her father.

Colin's eyes never left her. But she wouldn't look to him. Her head was bowed, and her  shoulders silently shook in the cold winter air.

He didn't know if she was cold, or if she was weeping. Maybe laughing, but he highly doubted it.

After every last one of Colin's men boarded the ships, the citizens cheered. And when the ships were out of view, they returned to their homes. Adelisa remained, wrapped in her own thoughts.

"It is very cold for a nice lady like you to be weeping over a solider." A voice said after a while.

Adelisa whipped around. "Excuse me?" She sniffled, wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.

"My apologies, my name is James, from the Netherlands," he smiled, "and you are?"


"Well, tell me about him." He looked out at the large harbor, where the ships had left.


James looked at her curiously, "the one you weep for."

"Oh, um..." Her shoulders sagged, "his name is Colin Hendrix, I haven't a clue as to why I care so much but... I just do."

"I understand... I'm in love with a girl back home, and my father doesn't know... But I'm here as a suitor to the princess. I don't want to be unpleasant to her or anything, but I could never see myself with anyone else."

"I will put a word in for you," she smiled knowingly.

"Oh! Well, this is very embarrassing."


Colin's grip on the railing of the ship hadn't lessened in three hours. He gazed out to the empty horizon.

"Alpha, we are estimated to arrive in two weeks or so, due to wind conditions this time of year."

"Very well. Inform the others." He said, gaze not moving from the calm ocean waters.

The man scurried off quickly. Leo soon joined him.

"I know how you feel, Colin." He spoke softly.

"How?" Colin growled.

Leo looked down solemnly.

"Do you remember Jessica?"

Colin's eyes widened in shock before a loud growl left his chest.

"Adelisa is not like that. She wouldn't do that..."

Jessica was a woman that Leo courted. She was kind, but it was all a facade. When Leo had gone off to fight, Jessica had 'moved on,' and married another man.

"I know... But, don't get too attached, Colin. You never know. She has priorities too."


The group of wolves stood around Colin as they waited for his orders. They were about a mile or so from Lord Blake's castle, still far enough away to remain undetected for the time being, but close enough to attack in the coming hours of night.

"We attack the castle. They can't see us, but we can see them." Colin muttered, looking at the group of werewolves.

"Even if we are found out, we have the element of surprise. They would have to rouse their entire army to even begin to fight back."

"You all can win this-my fight is with the leech." He sneered out.

They all nodded, shifting their hands into claws.

"Should we shift, alpha, or should we go in swords drawn?"

"Whichever you prefer." Many of them were not yet used to shifting and fighting, as there was nowhere to train in that form.

Colin looked to the forest around them, dusk upon them. "We wait another hour, then we strike."


Anxiousness gnawed inside Colin's stomach. No one would make a move on his woman-

He shook his head. He wasn't doing this for him, he was doing this for the king.

Adelisa was not his. But his beast disagreed.

Of course the two had quarrels, but that was the past.

This was now.

The group had begun making their way to the castle, the gates open wide for guests-as their was never any threat of war proposed.

That was not how his king worked.

Guards looked at the group. One stepped forward.

"What business do you have here, peasants?"

Colin looked at him, acting as if he was lost. "Does Lord Blake reside here?"

The guard looked at him skeptically, "Yes, he does."

"Is he the ruler, and if he is, do you respect his ruling?"

"But of course-" Colin clicked his tongue, shaking his head.

"Too bad." He drove his clawed hand into the guard's chest.

"Kill them." Colin growled darkly.

He made his way through the chaos of guards and citizens up the steps of the grand castle.

"Blake! Face me you coward!" He yelled after searching for half an hour.

"Attacking a man in his home? Pathetic." Blake sneered from behind him.

"You shouldn't have proposed marriage to a princess who is barely of age."

"You are older than I am, Colin. And I know you must care for her, because you wouldn't have bothered yourself with going to war if you didn't."

He grit his teeth, throwing away his shirt, preparing to shift.

"You can't kill me, wolfie." Blake smirked.

Colin growled, a dark, sinister sound. "I am the most powerful creature you will ever know, Blake."


Hey guys!

Happy 2017!

Sorry for this garbage chapter but....

Just sorry

~ Rain

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