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If only Frank had known that certain actions would lead to results far greater then just him and Susan.


What the hell, what the hell, what the hell?

Daryl slammes the door shut, leaving Frank and his lover alone in the darkness. His head throbs, and he releases a grimace from the pain.

Okay... Just... calm down. Try to remember what happened.

Frank searches his mind, trying to find some sort of memory, some sort of clue that would lead to him and his wife's escape from this place.

A guy on Craigslist--a car, a car, a car... in--in a trunk. But--no. How are we... here?

All Frank can remember is being trapped, helpless... a car trunk. And... waking up tied to a pole. He looks over at Susan. She lay there, resting as peacefully as a dove. Frank wishes that they could just... fly away. Escape this musty room. He moves his hand towards Susan, but moves it away quickly. He chooses not to wake her up--he doesn't want to worry her.  He's her guardian, her protector.

You're such an idiot. Any real man would protect his spouse from this.

What can Frank do down here? The rope forcing his hands to the pole is strong--and at least an inch thick. He can't just cut through or untie it. Instead, he leans his head onto his wife. He can be her protector, down here.

Susan, I... I'll get you out of here. I love you.

His head still pounding rapidly, sweat once again making its way down his forehead, He lay there, in what's now darkness, with his lover. His one, his only.

He'll find a way out of here. No matter what it takes.

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