"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day. I'm unfortunately not immortal, unlike you three, but of course I don't envy any of you, especially not you, sweetheart," Gloria said looking over at the strawberry blonde that stood at the hybrid's side.

"How did you know?" Beth asked stepping foward.

"I felt your energy, it's very distinct, especially for an old witch like me. Your kind is very rare. One is born every 100 years after the last one dies," she explained.

"So that means I will die?" Beth asked.

"Not naturally, no. These banshees always end up killing their selves, though. It's a painful existence, but you're stronger than that."

"I'd like to think so," Beth chuckled.

"Positive one, aren't you?" Gloria chuckled.

"She sure is," Klaus answered for the girl. "Now Stefan, Beth, why don't you go and fix us up a little something behind the bar?"

"Okay," Beth chuckled before she and Stefan walked over to the bar. "That is seriously the most anyone has ever been able to tell me about my... species. And I know that what she told me isn't exactly good news, but it's something. It's the biggest something I've ever had, you've been with me since this started so, isn't it?" She asked turning to look at the vampire.

"Uhuh," he muttered as he grabbed drinks.

"You're eavesdropping, aren't you?"


"So then you just didn't want listen to anything I said?"

"Yeah, no," Stefan answered which made Beth chuckle as she turned around to look at a board full of pictures of people in the bar. "Sorry, Beth. You were saying?"

"Stefan," she muttered with wide eyes as she unpinned a photo off the board.


"Look at this," she said handing him the old picture. He stared at it for a moment before turning over to the hybrid.

"What is this?"

"Well, I told you Stefan. Chicago's a magical place," he smirked.

"But this is me. With you," Stefan breathed out as he showed the old, colorless photograph of himself and Klaus, hugging while smiling into the camera.


Stefan and Beth were now following the hybrid into a dark warehouse, but one of them was more impatient and desperate for answers than the other. "This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?"

"You said it yourself: that time had a lot of dark holes," Klaus said vaguely.

"No. If you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" Stefan continued to question the hybrid who hadn't even bothered to look his way.

"I'm a little busy right now. Memory lane will have to wait."

"What the hell is going on?" Stefan asked as he forcibly grabbed Klaus' arm. "Answer me," he demanded.

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