Chapter Thirty Six - Love Junkie

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Song Recommedation: "Why You Only Call Me When You're High?" by Arctic Monkeys

Thirty Six
Love Junkie

I called Jazzy through Kai's phone, hoping she would answer but it went straight to voicemail. I frowned. Why wasn't she answering?

Not less than twenty minutes later I heard a knocking at my door. I was sitting at the couch lost in my thoughts, thinking about the whole situation. Kai was at the kitchen, cooking something for us with what was left in the fridge. I looked up at the door, too lost in my thoughts to get up.

Kai approached the door and opened it. Jazzy sauntered in and glared at me. "What do you want now?"

"I wanted to ask you some questions," I stared at her, trying to see the smiliarities.

Jazzy stared at Kaiden, anger laced in her eyes. "You have your bodyguard here still?"

Kaiden took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. "Jamine please. Just. . . just tell us what you know about Jaysen Colt. Everything you know. Don't leave out a thing. She's trying to find her father, you can at least cut her some slack."

Jazmyne shook her head. "You guys are just using me. What do you want from me? All you want is information, and then you can go run off and have the perfect life. Here Bekka is, the less appealing version of me, following in my footsteps with Wes and Kai. Guess I'm not the whore anymore. I can hand that crown off to you." She took her phone out of her bag and started dialing someone, "I'll call the hospital right now Kai. I'll tell them I refuse to pay her bills anymore."

Anger coursed through me, and it annoyed me that thins girl thought that she had so much power over Kai. I could see how pissed Kai was. Here he was trying to help me, but helping him could potientally hurt his family. I dart my eyes over to Jazmyne. "Are you so unhappy with you 'perfect' life that you feel the need to destroy everyone elses? I really hope you're bluffing about Kai's mother because if you actually met her, you wouldn't even dare thinking about hurting her in that way. You would be killing a human being. You would be a murderer. Do you want to do that? And me, not even giving me any information you know. Is that what you want to do to family?"

Jazmyne stared at me, eyes wide. "Family?"

"Jaysen Colt is your uncle, isn't he?" I raised a brow, daring for her to lie and say no.

Jazzy took a deep breath. "Yes, but there's no way he could be your father. that would make us cousins."

I nodded. "Exactly. So, I want more information, to see whether or not he is my dad. I need to talk to him, Jazmyne. Please, just help me. If I'm wrong, at least we're not related."

   Jazmyne took a moment to contemplate what I had told her. Then, after several painstaking moments, she finally raised her head and turned around, leaving right through my door. My eyes grew wide, I had thought I gotten through to her. I guess she was far to selfish to do so. I shook my head, and put my head on the coffee table.

Kaiden rose from the computer chair and sat on the floor beside me, hugging me. "It's okay. I can help you figure it out."

I raised my head and stared at him. "You should run after her and make sure she doesn't do anything to your mom."

Kaiden shook his head. "She wouldn't dare. She likes me too much."

After sitting on the floor, we got back to work and started searching for addresses, anything about Jaysen Colt that would lead me directly to him. He tried calling many doctors offices in Seattle, however, no one knew, or one one wanted to give me any information.

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