Chapter Thirty Three - Lucky Blue

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Song Recommedation: "Small Town Romance" by Richard Thompson

Song Recommedation: "Small Town Romance" by Richard Thompson

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Lucky Blue

Me being livid was an understatement.

I didn't know who I was mad at more, Bekka for taking the card, or Jazzy's uncle to dare give her it. I wanted--no needed--to punch something. Someone. This anger, it was heat rising from my feet towards my whole body. Rage consumed me as a myriad of emotions crossed my face. Memories crashed into the forefront of my mind like a five car pile up collision. My soul has been tarnished by that record deal. It got to my head, ripped me piece by piece, took my soul, took my sanity. I'd be damned if I let Bekka go through what we all went through.

She's been through enough.

She's been through so much, yet she's too innocent to understand or to know what I went through. God, I wanted to tell her. To tell her my whole life story, to rip that card from her fingers. I wanted to keep her safe, safe from Jazzy's toxic snake-like family.

Yet, I couldn't.

I couldn't because she could never know what I was doing right now. Selling drugs. I would tell her I had no choice, she would tell me everyone has a choice. She would give me some analytical respone. I would look at her like she cured cancer. The world would be right again.

But no.

That's not how life went.

Life was reckless, leaving you six feet under and still piling up dirt on you even when the hole was closed. Yet at the same time, life would be dragging you deeper into the dirt only to show you a whole different setting. That was the crazy thing about life. It fucked you, but helps you at the same time.

It was like a schizophrenic on crack.

I didn’t know if I should call Wesley or not. Did he have a right to know? Well, yes he did, but the deep dark part of me reveled in knowing something he didn’t. Call it natural selection if you would.

Part of me still wanted to be with her. Sue me, I still had feelings for her. I wanted to be the guy that swept her off her feet day by day. I wanted to be that guy waiting for her at the stoop of her porch with a bouquet of flowers in my hand. She would smile and take it upstairs. I would follow her and call her beautiful.

I wanted to take her ice skating. Take her to meet my mom. Show her the world like some overrated Disney movie. It was all sappy and stuff, but it wouldn’t happen. Wes got the girl, again. I had no right to butt in and ruin what they had. I promised myself I wouldn’t. It was wrong. It happened with Jazzy. Even though she was a snake, it still was wrong of me to be the way that I was back then.

I reluctantly called Wesley up. I was surprised I had still remembered his number.

It rang twice and went to voicemail. I grunted in frustration and tried again. On my fourth time I finally got more than three rings.

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