Lisa: [hey you never know! I'm not a bad person I swear]

"Yeah but you act like you were my boyfriend or something"

Lisa: [ok ok whatever. Anyways I'll talk to you more about me coming so be sure to pick up your phone]


After at least calling like my whole family and friends I got tired and sat on the couch.

Hmm I wonder how's he doing next door.

Eh do i really care?


I got up feeling frustrated and decided to go over next door and see what was up with him lately.

"Taehyung! It's me Y/N"


"Oh hey"

"Hey I called you earli-"

His lips slammed into mine so rough yet so soft. He moves me inside his apartment and closes the door behind us.

"I missed you"

"I know you did"

"I missed your body the most" he grabs of ahold of my waist while his lips slam back onto mine. Not gonna lie, I missed the taste of his lips and the taste of something else.

|time skip|

I suddenly woke up to the doorbell ringing.

I got up and put on some clothes before checking who it was.

"Hold on"

I walked into the kitchen to see a note and a plate with pancakes, eggs, sausages, and ham.

He wasn't lying when he said he won't fuck the girl and leave huh.

I headed over to the door was shocked to see him here so early.

"Jimin? Hey"


"What's up?"

"Theres been something on my mind"

"Seriously. Come in"

The male just nodded shyly and came in. He looked a little different. He wasn't as happy today.

"So what's up?"

"Remember that night I took you to the arcade and the bar?"

"Yes. What about it?"

He was a little hesitant about the words coming out of his mouth. I have no idea why but it must be really bothering him in a way.

"W-well... actually it's not a big deal! Just come to work tomorrow and I'll help you prep... Bye see you tomorrow..."

And he got up and left without another goodbye. Like sir this is my apartment buddy.

"Ok... bye?"

Jimins POV

"Ah geez...I should've told her..."

Why didn't I tell her in the first place. Jimin. Park jimin. You are so dumb. Ugh.

Should I go in and tell her?


Why can't I tell her??

I'll tell her tomorrow at work then...

I seemed like a creep still at Y/N's door so I quickly walked to the elevator hoping no one saw me...

"Hey there"

"Uh hey?"

"I'm Hana"

"I'm jimin?"



"I saw you standing at the door earlier. Was that your girlfriend?"

G-Girlfriend? HA


"Ex girlfriend?"

Is this girl serious here?

"She's a friend"

"Attitude much shorty"

"S-shorty? Woa there I'm taller than you"

"By like 2 inches" the strange girl just smiled while twirling her hair.

"I'm still taller. Anyways who are you??"

"Kim Hana. My apartment is on the 3rd floor and my brother lives on the 4th floor"

And did I ask her?

"Oh ok"

How long does this elevator take to go down? There was an awkward silence until the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened.

"Bye Jimin"

"Yeah... Bye Hana?"


Heyy guysss!! Chapter 9 is finally up!!

Was this too short? Am I taking things way too slow? Lol I actually had a better chapter than this but I felt like it was gonna bore you guys and I'm pretty sure this one was also boring.

Anyways the ff I was working on has changed. It's not called 'Private Party' anymore it's called Dirty Candy. Hopefully it'll be up before the 1st 🙊

Also thank you for reading my boring story 💜

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Also thank you for reading my boring story 💜

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