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Next day

I fluttered my eyes a couple of times from the morning sun shining through the windows. The coldness hitting through the blanket, feeling at my skin.

"It hurts..." I tried to get up but all I could do was limp my way around. I put on a long white shirt and some shorts and washed myself up.

"Good morning baby" He says as he's in the kitchen cooking.

"Are you making breakfast?" I laughed and sat on the stool.

"I mean yes. I just don't fuck the girl and leave. I make her happy before I leave" he smirked while looking up at me still flipping the eggs.

"Wow and that makes a difference?" I sarcastically laughed and stared at him for a few seconds.

"Here you go" he handed me a plate with a pancake, eggs, bacon and sausages.

"Woah, looks good"

"Just how you looked from the back last night" he laughed hysterically, and yes, only him.

I change my mind. He will always be that perverted guy next door.

I wanted to hit him but decided not to just because he made me breakfast.

"So what are you doing today?" He sat down beside me and looked at me with a serious expression.

"Hm... nothing reall-"

"Great I want to take you somewhere"

He didn't let me finish my sentence?? And where exactly?

"And where is that" I stuffed my face with bacon and looked at him curiously.

"I want to take you to a party tonight. My best friend is throwing and he asked to bring a date..."

Is he actually serious with this? I know we just met like a almost a week ago but is he asking me out... well, yes we also did just hook up.

"So because you might've fucked me last night you think we're sorta like a"

"N-no don't think like that. I haven't really decided who I wanted to go with but I honestly think you'd like the party instead" he got up and grabbed his button up.

I mean.. it could be nice to go but what if it's not a party. What if he's-  no. He seems like that type of guy but he's pretty decent to be honest.

"Fine I'll go. But what the hell am I suppose to wear? And what kind of party is it?" I finished my plate and set the dishes in the sink. I started to think about what clothes I had and there was definitely no dress. I'm not a dress person. Am I even considered a girl?

"Mm. Let's see, do you have a red dress?"

"I don't even own any dresses..."

"Not even a royal blue??"

"Nope. Nada."

He looked down at his watch and sighed a bit.

"So the party starts at 7:30 and right now is 11:15... I'll be back over here at 6 on the dot, ok?"

He's really taking this seriously isn't he.

"Oh okay"

"I gotta go. Remember 6 on the dot and also you look great with that messy hair and white shirt. Bye Y/N"

"Oh- bye taehyung- oh and thanks for breakfast-" Before I could finish he had already left in a rush.

I walked over to the couch and laid down looking up at the ceiling.

The Boy Living Next Door - editingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora