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"Is it rlly alright for you to move Y/N?"

"Mom, everything will be ok. I promise"

"Ugh but really Y/N there's plenty of jobs here in Busan"

True. There was plenty but being 21 makes me want to explore and travel the world you know.

|time skip|

"We're here missy"

"Thanks Jungkook~~"

"But really though... you really have to move? I'm going to miss your sweet smiles" he pulled up a fake frowny face and opened his arms for me to hug him. His hugs were always warm and of course, I went for it.

"I'm going to miss you too Jungkook" hearing those words out of my mouth made me want to cry. I spent my whole life with Jungkook since I was 4. And now leaving my best friend and family was just another step.

After awhile of talking to Jungkook we finally bid our goodbyes. I'm not sure if I've fallen for him or not. But I'm already missing him from a far.

I arrived at the apartment and went inside to check in. The inside was kinda fancy. Chandeliers on the ceiling, glass doors, cute guys dressed in suits. I could get use to seeing them everyday.

Oh good lord.

I hate myself for already being like this...

My room number was 384 which was the 4th floor. God if I hadn't known I'll be walking up 4 flights of stairs I would've stayed somewhere else fuck.

"Hey there~~"

"Uh heyy there"

"You know you don't have to take the stairs.. and plus seeing that you're moving in.. you should probably take the elevator" the blonde hair girl just giggled and showed me the way to the elevator.

Well now I feel stupid. I didn't even see that crap.

The blonde hair girl was quite pretty. Long hair, hazel eyes, short skirt, crop top. But her lips were just wayy too thin. I know she can get guys but I mean... is the kiss long lasting?


"No problem. So what room you heading too?"

"Oh 384 please"

"Ok cool. I'm Hana"

"Oh I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you"

"Back at you. So what're you doing down here in Seoul?"

"Traveling. Exploring. You?" I tried my best to make a good conversation with this stranger but she talks more than I could understand her..

"Oh! We're here"

"Sweet. Thanks for showing me the way"

"You're greatly welcome"

The girl waved and pulled up a slight smile and then left.

The room was actually easier to find than to actually get here.

"Ah 384!" I opened the door and that smell of a new home hit my face. There was already furniture, a fridge, and a flat screen TV so what's left is the usual homey essentials and such.

"Oh are you the newbie living next door?"

I hadn't notice that I left my door open..

"Uh yeah. I am."

"Cool. I'm Kim Taehyung"

"I'm Y/N-"

"Your quite pretty"

"Me? K yeah right"

To be honest, he wasn't bad looking himself. Blonde hair, his eyes were blue. Probably contacts but it suits him. He wore a black button up with black slacks. Is he one of those guys that I saw earlier wearing suits? Well shit I'm up for it.

I didn't know how badly I stared at him until he looked at me curiously biting his lips.

Shit. He caught me staring..

"Well I'm going to go now" he chuckled off next door with a slam.

What a great impression to the first neighbor huh.

I closed the door and started to unpack what I could carry on my way here. 2 big luggages filled with clothes, a small backpack also filled with clothes, and a big box.

The apartment had a great view of the city. Probably would look even better during the sunset til the night lights.

It started to get late and my stomach decides to roar it's way though the time being so I decided to go out, find somewhere to eat and walk around downtown.

Jungkook: [hey Y/N you get there ok?]

"Mm I did. Thanks so much for helping" he's always the first to contact me when ever and where ever we both go, despite my mother.

Jungkook: [hey maybe I can visit you this weekend. I'm off work Friday through Monday]

Honestly he's such a blessing. Sometimes I just want to hug him tight. He's always caring about me which made me pause for a few seconds seconds.

"Really?? That'd be great!" After I said that I spilled the seasoning for my ramen on my white tee shirt. "Shit" making me look like an idiot as this old couple stared at me and laughed...

Jungkook: [haha what the hell did you do?]

I could hear from the other jungkook was laughing as usual. I know I wanted to do this on my own but I'm already missing home.

|time skip|

After walking around crowds from crowds, I decided to head back and sleep and maybe tomorrow get some stuff.

The hallways were quiet you could hear a penny drop from the ceiling. I walked to open my door but That guys door was unlocked leaving an open for something to come through.

Did something happen?


Hellooo~~ end of this first chapter!

Omo. Why was Taehyungs door open? 👀👀👀👀

Second chapter coming up!! Stay tune << 💙💙

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