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Tongue needs to back the fuck way. ^^


"Ah Jimin are you ready to leave?" I asked him while him and Hwan were playing with cars.

I've never seen Hwan let anyone else play with his favorite car besides Jungkook.

"Oh yeah! Hwan! I gotta go now buddy. Be good to your mom and dad would you" Jimin just smiles and Hwan pouts but gives into Jimins hug.

"Oh! And thank you Y/N's mom for letting me stay the night"

"No its no problem. Just have a safe trip back please" My mom gives us a bag of food and drinks for the way back. I love my mom. She knows the role.

"Hwan give me a hug" he comes running towards and gives me a hug with the biggest smile. "Be nice and listen to mom when dad's at work ok? Make sure to tell mom to come visit me ok!"

Hwan nods his head letting me go so early.

We bid our goodbyes and took our 5 hour drive back to Seoul.

"Seems like everything is ok now"

"Pretty much"

Jimin turned on the radio and I laid my back to close my eyes for a bit.

I'm just glad they're both ok.


"Ahh my back hurts from sitting in the car too looonggg" I get out stretching my arms and Jimin does the same.

"You sure you don't want to come in?" I ask Jimin as he leans on the car.

"Nahh I'm good. I'll just see you on Sunday at work" he yawned and waved goodbye as I walked into the building.

I get into the elevator and as soon as I walk in Hana comes along.

"Oh hey I haven't seen you these days" she smiles and flips her hair so sassy.

"Haha yup" I try not to talk to her just because she really talks a lot and I'm not in the mood to socialize with people right now.

It didn't really take that long to get onto my floor, then again, Hana didn't even talk which surprises me.

"Uh bye" I said as I walked out. Wonder where she lives...

I open my door and the first thing was to plump onto my bed. I swear it's my husband. Only thing I look forward to after a long day.

"HOLY SHIT YOU SCARED ME" I jumped up almost having a heart attack.

"That was the point" Taehyung comes out of my bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"DID YOU SLEEP HERE!?" I asked while he ruffles his hair with another towel.

"I mean yeah. I got pretty drunk and then when I woke you were gone so I just made myself at home"

"Uhm ok then... well you can leave now. Thanks for keeping everything nice?.." I threw my keys on my desk and sat down on the chair.

"You look tired. What happened exactly?"

I honestly have never seen him so... worried about something. I also find that towel around his waist intriguing...


"My brother and best friend got into an accident-"

"Why didn't you ask me to take you instead" Tae walks a little closer to me.

"I wasn't thinking then" I purposely closed my eyes so I wouldn't see him

"HEY WHY DID YOU THROW THAT AT ME!" I opened my eyes to see my pillow being thrown at me.

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